Excellent news on healthy boobies!
I set my alarm to go off at 2am. I am driving Emmett & his gf, Kalena, to the airport so they can fly to Tulsa and attend Maggie the Girl's wedding.
Marti the Medical Student had a theory that love could be measured in how much sleep you're willing to sacrifice for somebody.
...and now I'm back and I can go back to bed. Oof.
Marti the Medical Student had a theory that love could be measured in how much sleep you're willing to sacrifice for somebody.
Sounds legit. My sister just flew down and foolishly said since she was arriving at a ridiculous hour she might rent a car so her siblings wouldn't need to wake to pick her up. Duh, not happening sis.
The Dean of my school just sent out an email with the subject-Facemasks-their back!
Makes me feel better about my typos in emails sent to the whole school.
Marti the Medical Student had a theory that love could be measured in how much sleep you're willing to sacrifice for somebody.
Airport rides at any time are a big deal!
Sophia - The place I worked years ago (an association) had a woman who had decided, um, IDEAS about how things should be done. She wanted to write a book and have it published, so she set herself up as the arbiter of how things should be written. One year, she got a look at the association's dues invoices and went on a campaign. The original language contained the phrase, "your dues are" ... which she insisted was wrong. She hassled and nagged until the notices went out with the phrase, "your dues is" ... which got immediate responses from members about incorrect language. For at least a year, possibly longer. sigh ....
I work in the same building as the NLRB where this just happened
Tom, wow! That was worthy of a "breaking news" email from the Seattle Times as well.
Wow, that's some big exciting news!