Went into the city on BART for the first time in N months, and of course there was weirdness on the train (a woman decided to change all her clothes in public yay). But I met a friend I haven't seen since the Before Times at John's Grill (the place with the Maltese Falcon) and we had drinks and old-school dinner and caught up on each other's lives and it was great.
For the Bayistas, I will note that John's Grill still does an excellent job with the grilled salmon. It was very very good. And if you ask for a shot of whiskey, they are not shy with the pour.
Great news, Congrats to Robin!
Congrats on boats for tall people and college admissions!
Yay Suela meeting up with friends. Yay Laura getting a boat! Yay robin getting into college!
I did not watch the Oscar’s because I was at a friend’s birthday—she rented out a roller rink for a private party. I have not roller skated in…20 years?? And I went about ten feet and fell down. From there I managed two laps slowly and shakily and gave up. I feel bad about that. But today the base of my thumb where I caught myself hurts a lot so….maybe better I didn’t injure myself further? But it makes me feel old.
I watched the Oscars and it was a pretty wild ride there at the end.
I did not watch the Oscars and that was some buzz to wake up to this morning
Congratulations, Robin!
I’m exhausted today and can’t figure out which of my half finished projects to deal with.