Ugh I want to burn the world down.
Also had an exhausting bizarre experience today with a cleaning lady a friend had recommended. She was supposed to come at 1, but last night texted and asked if 1130 worked. Sure. At 1130 she texted she was parked but had to deal with a phone call and would be here in 30 min. Ok. At 12:20 I asked if she was still coming. She said she couldn’t and could she maybe come another day, I asked about days…and then said she could come, give her 30 min. 10 minutes later she says she’s at my door….she is not at my door. An hour later and many many texts and me going to my garage door and my front door and the street and sending word directions and Google map photos and so on….I finally manage to find her and flag her down. I don’t even know what was going on. It was so bizarre but also exhausting! But my house is clean and supposedly she now knows where it is????
That is very, very strange, meara. Maybe ask the friend about it? Like, has this ever happened to you? Is it worth it?
Yeah, I will probably have her come again one time and see if it was a fluke/bad day? I’m just the worst at actually cleaning—putting things away and organizing sure but…ugh somehow cleaning a bathroom counter seems like a horrible imposition? Dunno, but thankfully I can afford it these days!
That is weird, meara. Hope it was a fluke!
I have a “quick org meeting” first thing tomorrow morning, invitation sent at 6:45pm. Yikes.
Yikes, -t. Hopefully someone’s just being thoughtless in their invites.
First, thinking kind thoughts for those in New Orleans hit by nasty tornado. Grateful it wasn't near smonster.
Second, OMG, what a day. Started at ridiculous o'clock and didn't end until after midnight and 16,000 steps later. Doubled my 8000 step target. Cleaning, packing, signing closing papers, major power spike in Ft. Lauderdale causing datacenter housing all my customer stuff causing restart. Bananas. DH made me go with the fridge stuff to friend's house late last night because one of us needs sleep. He was going to catch a few winks in the truck and go back at the house completion this morning. Don't know how that worked out yet. I tried to get him to go to a hotel, but who knows. I got 4 hours sleep, but brain made me get up at 6 and get situated for my work day. Walk thru is at noon. Closing folks said they got buyer's funds a couple days ago so I should get funded today.
eta: meeting for paper signing was at 2 and 5 minutes before our phones started going crazy because ALL my doctors were down. It restarted and they were back up, but not until after a frantic drive to the datacenter since we didn't even have computers with us. First time in 8 years that they have had a power issue since they have crazy levels of redundancy. Not only me, but thousands others with issues.
Maybe nap later?
I'd say a nap is in order for sure. That's a lot.
I'm trying to dictate rather than type these days, because I'm pretty sure I've caused myself an arm issue. It's weird to dictate for me though. Although maybe there will be fewer typos?
I’m tired, but not as tired as Laura. Sheesh.
Oh New Orleans. Like the lower ninth needed anything else ever.
I’ve decided to start self testing every week for COVID. I feel really exposed with most people at work and elsewhere maskless now. We have boxes of self tests at work, so I might as well use them.
Today’s test has 5 more minutes to go, but all looks negative.
Wow, Laura. I wish you some rest, for sure.
That sounds like a good idea, msbelle
I'd do the same, msbelle.
(or miss bell as my microphone wanted to transcribe)