Epic, "freaking out a little" is completely understandable. Vent here as and when you need to. You have lots of support available.
Waiting for scans, and then waiting for the results of scans, and then waiting for the consult to review the scans, is stressful in and of itself. In my support group, we call it "scanxiety." Everyone copes with it in different ways. I hope it helps you to know you're in good company.
Much ~ma Epic. I expect dcp, above, has the best practical advice. Also I am with JZ on the anger for "unexplained weight loss" as a good.
Epic, that sucks. All of my ~ma is for you.
Good morning. My self-flagellation for this morning:
In both orgs I work for, we recently changed my title to be less slapdash and more accurate, so I updated my Linked-In profile so I matched everywhere. Now I'm getting all kinds of "Congratulations on your promotion!" messages on LI, which is lovely of people, but also, I did not get promoted. Needless to say, I updated my settings so that changes to my LI profile are no longer announced to the world. Oy. I kind of thought that's how I had it set anyway, but no.
And on a things that actually matter note -- I continue to send health and coping -ma out to everyone who needs it, friends.
{{{{{Epic}}}} I'm so sorry. Tons of ~ma for the best possible results, and also what JZ said. I'm infuriated on your behalf.
I tried to be super efficient this morning by going directly to the bakery after drop off to get St Patrick's Day cupcakes for us, and they weren't ready yet. So, now I have to go back, but at least they are saving them for me.
Aw Epic, I'm sorry. Here's to a quick and simple solution! Hang in there.
Epic lots of lots of ~ma to you.
I'm back in the hell of trying to communicate with workers comp. I left a message with a supervisor and if I don't hear back by Wednesday I'm going to hire the lawyer. I just can't spend so much time waiting and hoping things get done.
Also I'm at mom's and helping her clean and organize. She called the lawyers regarding J, since they are working on his behalf. And she glat out said that his mother needs to take custody of him as soon as she can because Aunt Wanda is in no shape mentally to care for anyone. And she really isn't. She shouldn't be driving either but that is another can of worms.
Oof, that's rough, askye, and good for your mom for being forthright.
sj. Cupcakes. That's a brilliant idea.
{{{askye}}} I'm sorry that workers comp is being so difficult for you. It shouldn't be that way. I'm glad you can help out your mom.