Timelies all!
Gary has in-town meetings today through Wednesday. He has to be there early, so he arranged for the nanny to come at 7:30 to take Mr. S to school. What he failed to tell me was that I had to be there to wait for the nanny, which means I get to work a little late. Also, he set the alarm for 6, and Mr. S was up and being a wild child right when it went off.
I recently began wondering if I needed to replace my vacuum cleaner and reasonably concluded that perhaps I should try replacing the filter first, which led me to realize there were TWO filters and I'd only been cleaning one. Now I have a small stack of replacement filters and can confirm, to nobody's surprise, that the vacuum cleaner seems to be working a lot better now. How am I a grown adult person? Who authorized this?
There's way too much shit to keep track of as a grown adult. I do not approve. Nor do I manage to keep track of it all.
Ooh book fair. I always wanted so many books but could only get very few. But such excitement and longing!
She got 4 books and a squishy ball.
How am I a grown adult person? Who authorized this?
I wonder this on a daily basis, and yet here I am with a window open for a chat with a realtor and another with my goddaughter, who is getting over the crud, while I track the shipping on the presents for my niece's baby shower and keep an ear out for the oven to finish heating up so I can shove supper in.
Meanwhile, I can hear my spouse and my 34-year-old offspring kibbitzing about being managers before going into a Destiny raid. Ken haaaaaaates managing people and is irritated to find that he is very good at it.
There's way too much shit to keep track of as a grown adult. I do not approve. Nor do I manage to keep track of it all.
I texted my neighbor Omar and told him I had wine but had already packed my glasses, and did he want to bring his own glass over. He came running over with an empty glass and we had a delightful visit sitting in the driveway until it started raining. Part of my saying adios to neighbors. Sigh.
There's way too much shit to keep track of as a grown adult. I do not approve. Nor do I manage to keep track of it all.
Ken haaaaaaates managing people and is irritated to find that he is very good at it.
Aw. That seems both the way of the world and very sweet
Wait, Ken is 34? Nope. Does not compute.
There's way too much shit to keep track of as a grown adult. I do not approve. Nor do I manage to keep track of it all.
Fucking SERIOUSLY, man.
Oh, hey, we saw John Mulaney's new tour last night, and it was really good. Definitely worth seeing. Although a good 75% is about his relapse/intervention/rehab, so if that's not your cup of tea, maybe skip it.
It was the first live event I've attended where we had to put our cell phone in locking pouches (that we kept with us), and it was (1) weird, (2) annoying, (3) oddly parental, and (4) pointed out how much I use my damn phone, because as soon as we sat down and I realized Steely Dan was playing, I immediately went to text my brother to tell him that (we really do just text each other the minutiae of our daily lives all day long), and realized, shit, my phone is locked up.