sj - agreeing with Laura; what's fairly minor now, if not addressed and stopped, will continue and escalate.
Agreed. I was willing to let ltc and the teacher handle it when it was just words, but grabbing her arm and then shouting "I don't care" into her face when she told him she doesn't like that. Nope. I needed to let everyone know I'm paying attention and make sure they are too. Good news is my kid stands up for herself and for others when kids are being mean, and the teachers and principal thinks that is great.
From the very little I have seen ltc I can well imagine her standing her ground and defending others! It's really good that the teachers and principal are supportive. It is enormously frustrating when they shrug it off, which happens too often.
Good to hear that, sj.
Alas, no dog at the dentist. I had dog visits a few times when I was in the hospital, and it was amazing. So spirit-lifting.
It sounds like I have to go back to the office by next month. I'm trying not to have a negative knee-jerk reaction to the news, because it should be encouraging.
Timelies all!
My next dentist visit is next week. Standard cleaning and checkup. Hopefully, no problems will come to light.
Major tasks today included putting in a new pull down staircase for the attic so the inspector won't lose his life going up there. Also, as I have been tossing and consuming all the things in the fridge it became necessary to clean all the drawers and shelves because ick! I swear I am going to calendar clean out the fridge like once a month in the future. Generally I think we keep a pretty clean house, but as things get emptier the hidden grossness comes to light.
Yeah, dentist has been put off for a very long time. It's not too high on the list.
Yikes, shrift! Are they requiring you to go back full-time?
My office is currently discussing "reconstitution", and I have questions like:
Do they have any information about improved ventilation in the building?
Will they change the rules if/when the case rates go back up?
Will they throw out the already-agreed-upon telework schedules?
Will vaccination rates of the workforce be shared?
I've been enjoying having the office pretty much to myself, but yesterday I found out I'd be having other people in the office three days a week. ick ... other people