Today is Day 1 of no indoor mask mandate at work and even though there was language like “I urge all employees who have chosen not to be vaccinated to continue wearing face masks to protect your coworkers.” the one employee in my building I have seen moving about without a mask is unvaccinated.
Can you keep a big can of Lysol in your desk and spray the area (or just them) with it whenever they walk by?
I just found out that the @ $300 billing statement I asked for to balance my account with my psychiatrist and therapist turned out to be a $1000 billing statement instead. Still worth the price, but a lot more than I'd planned on paying out this month. This is shaping up to be a very Monday-ish Monday.
Meep, Matt, that's a big difference!
Ugh, Toddson, that all sounds very unpleasant.
To make things complete (for Monday), I have three Zoom calls scheduled for this week. Two of them, I have to draft the notes for. The one this afternoon, I had the person right behind me unpacking her office while her new computer (the old one having died) was set up, so there was a lot of noise (ripping open the boxes, unpacking, arranging. I was supposed to set up the computer, but there were NO cords that would work with the thing ... the issue with changing computer brands while still using the old brand (we went from Dell to ... who knows). There was no power cord, no compatible docking station, no ethernet port in either the computer or any of the available docking stations, no way to connect a full-size keyboard or monitor.
OMG, Todd, I'm so frustrated just reading all that!
We've been back in the office FT since June. I take a day to WFH here and there for appointments or days where I'm *kinda* sick, but not so sick I can't work at all. For a miracle, I've managed not to get Covid yet. *knock wood*
I went in to the counseling services office to pay off my balance, where the receptionist told me I only owed $328. We checked with the accounting rep I spoke to earlier today and she somehow subtracted $135 from $1030 and got $675 rather than the $895 I expected to pay, to which I said "good enough, here's a new check."
JZ, let's trust that the tuxedo kitties of Ukraine are headbutting their little hearts out right now. Sweet decent things are ultimately what people fight for after all.
Toddson, ask for some headphones to wear for your Zoom meetings.
Toddson, the person in the office next to mine uses speech to text software, and the person on the other side has to be on the phone all the time dealing with problems. Noise-cancelling headphones have saved my sanity.
I've been back in the office for a couple of weeks, and I love it! But we get to do what we want, schedule-wise, everyone has an office they can shut the door on, and everyone is vaccinated and wearing masks.