OMG, Todd, I'm so frustrated just reading all that!
We've been back in the office FT since June. I take a day to WFH here and there for appointments or days where I'm *kinda* sick, but not so sick I can't work at all. For a miracle, I've managed not to get Covid yet. *knock wood*
I went in to the counseling services office to pay off my balance, where the receptionist told me I only owed $328. We checked with the accounting rep I spoke to earlier today and she somehow subtracted $135 from $1030 and got $675 rather than the $895 I expected to pay, to which I said "good enough, here's a new check."
JZ, let's trust that the tuxedo kitties of Ukraine are headbutting their little hearts out right now. Sweet decent things are ultimately what people fight for after all.
Toddson, ask for some headphones to wear for your Zoom meetings.
Toddson, the person in the office next to mine uses speech to text software, and the person on the other side has to be on the phone all the time dealing with problems. Noise-cancelling headphones have saved my sanity.
I've been back in the office for a couple of weeks, and I love it! But we get to do what we want, schedule-wise, everyone has an office they can shut the door on, and everyone is vaccinated and wearing masks.
Oh, good reminder to bring my noise canceling headphones in with me! Just in case I need them, I don’t really know what to expect
I’m having night before the first day of school flashbacks
I survived a day at the office! There was almost nobody there, including nobody from my division, despte the fact that there's supposed to be one clinical person there at all times, so I don't know what's up with that. But I'm wrung out and undelighted by all of it.