I'm sorry for your loss, sj.
I am out of eggs, but I can get them at the tiny Vietnamese grocery around the corner, which will not be mobbed on this or any other day.
I got a last-minute invite from some old work friends to go to lunch in Healdsburg yesterday, so I went. My back didn't love over three hours in the car, but it was great to catch up with some people I haven't seen in a long time, and then I got to see my old boss's house, which is ... just too much.
For those who know the Bay, it's on top of a hill above Dry Creek Valley outside of Healdsburg, and it started small but then they doubled the size: it's all red tiled floors and hammered copper sinks and imported antique lighting fixtures, barrel vaulted hallways, Persian rugs and leather couches. It's completely over the top but they're so happy with it. And they invited me to stay sometime, but they're also completely committed to parenting their cats so that's a non-starter for me.
Still it was lovely to see them and learn that there is no way I'm ever living there: next week they're having a prescribed burn on the property, and the 2020 fires came 1500 feet away from the house. Not to mention the 20 minute drive to get milk or eggs...