Fed Ex has been shorting is on trailers all year and it’s gotten worse lately. We don’t ship USPS much but volume in general is unbelievable and every phase in the process has delays at this point fir all carriers.
Not to minimize DeJoy’s fuckery, which has been considerable.
Aw, brenda, it’s like an O Henry story.
DeJoy really f'd them up.
They pulled out SO many sorting machines.
I paid $60 for dinner but it was delicious. And now I’m playing zoom trivia and getting drunk. Good times.
I know there are far bigger problems in the world. But if I could get a little health~ma for Amyth’s cat, Javier, please, that would be appreciated. He’s having some GI track issues that are necessitating a trip to the vet, and I’m hoping they’re not symptomatic of anything major. Could be he just needs different food. That would be ideal. And not unlikely. On the other hand, 2020.
My cards are headed out today. They may not arrive in time for Christmas but hopefully by NYD. I ran out of our picture cards because I didn't order enough, so the rest are Edward Gorey cards.
Much cat-ma for Javier.
I mailed the card for my work exchange today. We were supposed to write a Christmas memory. What I didn’t realize is that we are all going to read our stories around to each other over Zoom and try to guess who it is. So, I signed it! And it is not a very good or well-written story because I thought only one person would read it! That’s what I get for procrastinating to the very last day and then not reading the directions until after I mailed the card!
Health ~ma to Javier.
My exchange cards + a few more are going out today, and the rest I will finish today and tomorrow and mail Monday. I'm hopeful that today's batch will make it before Christmas.
Pecan pancakes for breakfast.
I'm going to try to finish cards today. The exchange ones went out earlier this week.
I'm eating dry Cheerios for breakfast. For lunch yesterday I had a handful of pretzel sticks, and for dinner about a cup of plain pasta, and I still threw it all up. I'm not continuing this drug. I want to, like, eat Christmas dinner, and cookies!