I saw my colleagues' reactions when I showed them that letter, and realized that I was numb because all I could come up with was "oh, yes, readers would love to see this"
I feel that -- I work in fundraising, so there was a lot of similar feelings. Good luck with the counseling.
I'd be ok with a smart lock on my own home but not a rental.
M's mom seemed to be more understanding this morning morning I explained that my big concern was my mom and the dental staff/patients I could be exposing and if it weren't for that I wouldn't be as worried.
I think having some space helped.
And then after that she reminded me M & I should take diapers because the GF's parents are raffling off a shotgun. I asked how many people peope were going to be there...about 60 were invited and around 25 said they'd come.
I kept my mouth shut. I don't know for sure but I'm almost 100% the 3 of us will be the only ones vaccinated that show up. And M and I will be the only ones wearing masks.
Shir definitely take care of yourself . I'm glad you were able to realize the toll it has taken on you and I hope you can get off the wait list and see someone soon.
Raffling off a shotgun? Is this a thing people do?? At a baby shower??
Shir I hope you get a break and some help soon that sounds really hard.
I'm not sure, but it seems like it would be a big difference having one on your own home versus your rental apartment.
I guess since my landlords have always had the keys to my places, I don't really see the distinction — but, again, I'm not being funded by Big Smartlock or anything. I really don't have strong feelings and am not trying to convince anyone to agree.
Shir, hang in there.
Fun raffles (and meat raffles!) are definitely a big thing in the Wisconsin countryside. Usually at bars though.
ETA: Gun raffles, that is. Fun raffles I have no objection to, though I suppose the devil is in the details.
I’ve heard of meat raffles. And there are events for which a shotgun raffle would not shock me. But for a baby shower???
I think I don’t know enough about smart locks to know what their risks are. I have a keypad lock, which yeah, possible that old roommates have given the code to tons of people but I change it every once in a while. It’s handy. Might be easier if it were fancier and I could change it from an app or something but then I’d have to change the batteries more too!
M & I should take diapers because the GF's parents are raffling off a shotgun.
I am not seeing the connection.
I was doing so well today. Got out of the house, ran errands, started knitting, but I had a headache (took meds) and I cannot get comfortable or warm. I already took a shower this morning, but I think I need another or a hot soak bath to warm up and reset the day.
Timelies all!
Mr. S woke up before 6 and got into bed with me. Of course, he didn't go back to sleep. He was behaving awfully until the meds kicked in.(Getting him to take them was a challenge as usual.) He's spent most of the day in his room, and hasn't changed out of his pajamas. Oh, well...