The Great, Dickinson, The Expanse, Only Murders in the Building are all top tier TV.
(I'm one of I think four people on the planet who think Ted Lasso is just fine? It's a better-than-average workplace sitcom and I'm happy to recommend it, but it's not...quite as phenomenal as Twitter seems to think it is?)
I also thought Sex Education S2 got a bit repetitive, but the characters are still great and basically I could watch Gillian Anderson read the phone book, so.
Yeahhhhhh possibly I wouldn’t have loved Ted Lasso as much if I’d heard all the hype first.
We've been loving South Side on HBO Max. Hilarious especially if you have a Chicago connection.
Oh, and if you can handle a pandemic storyline, Station Eleven on HBO is incredible.
So much good stuff out there! I did watch Only Murders, and we both really liked it. I have tried a lot to get into The Expanse, but I can't get there. I'm in S2 right now. I don't know why I can't -- everyone I share the SF appreciation with highly recommends it, and I like it, but not enough to be consistent. I guess in the grand scheme, that's OK.
We don't have Apple TV, so no Ted Lasso for me. One day.
I'm fighting a migraine, and even though my meds make me a little loopy, I'm still working. So I went to put the letter "i" in a word but typed a "1" instead...and had to stare at it for a few seconds to figure out why it looked wrong.
They PAY ME for my skill.
Sometimes I type 4 when I mean f. Because it starts with an f? I think? It's weirdly hard to correct one whatever neuron misfire happens. Like my fingers have their own mischievous autocorrect imp. Migraine~begone~ma
I am into season 2 of Ted Lasso, already pleased that I have a short wait for season 3, and figuring that it's good prep for actually writing my self-eval that I am still procrastinating on. Right?
I am trying to dye my hair periwinkle but am a bit worried that the roots (like 2” of them) were a little too yellow despite toner and will be sort of green? Fingers crossed. The ends should look nice at least. Maybe I can cover the roots with another color/darker color?
Obviously I am doing this instead of writing the “leadership text” I’m supposed to be writing about the various times when I embodied my company’s values….
Sometimes I type 4 when I mean f. Because it starts with an f? I think? It's weirdly hard to correct one whatever neuron misfire happens.
I remember in elementary school trying to spell "of" and getting stuck on "uv" for way too long. And this was after I'd been an avid reader for many years.
Sometimes I type 4 when I mean f. Because it starts with an f? I think?
I can't tell you how often I type a 3 for lower-case "e." I feel like it might make a bit more sense if it was in place of capital "E," but no, it's for the lower-case. I think my fingers are typing with zero input from my brain.