Elizabeth Warren has Covid. [link]
*shaky fist*
Very glad I'm in one of those cities! You can't sit inside at a restaurant or bar, or attend a movie or play without proof of vax.
I envy you. We just don't eat out anymore. We only took advantage a few times from May through July.
Massachusetts should and could have been a world leader in Covid testing, contract tracing, sequencing, vaccination, mitigation, etc., but for Charlie Baker. We're up to our ears in medical infrastructure.
Sheryl, I'm sorry. I know it can't be easy. I can't even imagine taking any of my kids to a convention at his age. Even when we took them to places designed for them, to which they wanted to/chose to go, they had a limited shelf-life.
Cindy -the one thing that was pointed out is that.. those vaccine lot numbers are recorded , I don't know if that effects the statistics of how many vaccines have been given out. Like I'm not sure how that data is collected but if they are falsely putting that info in the systems and then those people are being counted as vaccinated and there is talk of all these "breakthrough " cases.. are they all breakthrough . Can someone lie about being vaccinated?
But I'm not exactly at my best thinking right now to really handle all that.
Like there's stuff going on with my cousin who had a stroke and I have asked mom to keep me minimally informed just because it's too much information for me to try to process and deal with.Plus it's just another enraging thing about how our health care sucks.
I talked to my dad for a long time and then talked to my nephew and then dad called back and I'm just.. I had to cut my skype chat with E short becuase I was basically just .. losing my train of thought and having trouble concentrating.
Also E got in trouble and got his computer access restricted. According to him he didn't really do anything and it was a misunderstanding but he got restrictions anyway. From what Mom told me (this happened right before she went up there) E accessed stuff he shouldn't have on the computer .
And even though I was mushy brained I was trying to tell him that he could tell me stuff if he didn't want to tell his parents or talk to me. I told him except if I thought it would be something serious and then I would tell his parents. I meant to say that..like if he needed an out some how for something he could tell me and then I could "betray his confidence" and then he doesn't have to tell is dad directly. Just because sometimes that's an easier way ....
I don't know if I'm making sense.
Cindy, it doesn't help that there was very little kids' programming there.(One program item a day) Mr. S enjoyed the one kids' programming item he went to, which was Legos, but the rest of the time he was very restless.
Anyone recommend any easy vegetarian meals, or meals that can be for a veg and meat eaters? Trying to share cooking duties for my friends I’m with but one is a vegetarian….but also a terrible cook. And we really need to not be ordering out every night, but we are also lazy.
Pasta: [link]
Assuming she's vegetarian and not vegan.
Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker both have Covid. Covid is working off the wrong end of the Senate rolls.
Cindy -the one thing that was pointed out is that.. those vaccine lot numbers are recorded , I don't know if that effects the statistics of how many vaccines have been given out. Like I'm not sure how that data is collected but if they are falsely putting that info in the systems and then those people are being counted as vaccinated and there is talk of all these "breakthrough " cases.. are they all breakthrough . Can someone lie about being vaccinated?
It would probably depend on how the scammers ran the scam. It makes me so angry. I'm hoping a statistically significant number of people didn't do it. We've got ~330 million people. It takes a lot to make a dent.
I'm sorry about your cousin, askye, and E is so lucky he has you. Just so you know, you are making sense. I'm sorry you're still feeling mushy brained.
Cindy, it doesn't help that there was very little kids' programming there.(One program item a day) Mr. S enjoyed the one kids' programming item he went to, which was Legos, but the rest of the time he was very restless.
Poor little guy, and poor you, too. How long were you there today, Sheryl?
Thanks Dana, that sounds good. She’s def vegetarian—I think I’d give up if she were vegan.
I am so depressed by all the news lately I’m very in a “bury head in sand” place
The convention started on Wed and ran through today. Mr. S had school Wed., Thurs. and Friday. Yesterday and today were the only days he was there all day.
That must have been hard on all three of you.
Fandom isn't just the realm of the young and childfree. I'm surprised there isn't more for the young children of attendees.