Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker both have Covid. Covid is working off the wrong end of the Senate rolls.
Cindy -the one thing that was pointed out is that.. those vaccine lot numbers are recorded , I don't know if that effects the statistics of how many vaccines have been given out. Like I'm not sure how that data is collected but if they are falsely putting that info in the systems and then those people are being counted as vaccinated and there is talk of all these "breakthrough " cases.. are they all breakthrough . Can someone lie about being vaccinated?
It would probably depend on how the scammers ran the scam. It makes me so angry. I'm hoping a statistically significant number of people didn't do it. We've got ~330 million people. It takes a lot to make a dent.
I'm sorry about your cousin, askye, and E is so lucky he has you. Just so you know, you are making sense. I'm sorry you're still feeling mushy brained.
Cindy, it doesn't help that there was very little kids' programming there.(One program item a day) Mr. S enjoyed the one kids' programming item he went to, which was Legos, but the rest of the time he was very restless.
Poor little guy, and poor you, too. How long were you there today, Sheryl?
Thanks Dana, that sounds good. She’s def vegetarian—I think I’d give up if she were vegan.
I am so depressed by all the news lately I’m very in a “bury head in sand” place
The convention started on Wed and ran through today. Mr. S had school Wed., Thurs. and Friday. Yesterday and today were the only days he was there all day.
That must have been hard on all three of you.
Fandom isn't just the realm of the young and childfree. I'm surprised there isn't more for the young children of attendees.
I thought I made a MASSIVE amount of veggie chili for lunch. Five 14 year-old boys later, I have discovered I was mistaken.
I am not sure which is more impressive, the appetite of teenage boys, or their aroma. Both are quite memorable.
I'm sorry, Tom, and all those who have to scrap their holiday plans. I checked and the Christmas dinner I was planning to attend is indeed an indoor affair, so hard No.
These breakthrough cases are so very discouraging.
I was offline and out of it for four days, but I'm back. In no particular order:
Steph, I hope Tim's father gets better. May I second the recommendation for something made with/of sheepskin - years ago, my mother was in a wheelchair and complained about how uncomfortable it was. She had a sheepskin, put it on the seat of the chair and found it pretty comfortable. Except when she had to struggle with the cat for possession of the chair and sheepskin. And, for the masks - have you tried mask frames? they're little plastic things that clip onto your mask on the inside and make a little air pocket between your mouth and the mask. I have some and they've made it possible for me to wear a mask without half suffocating myself.
Jessica - my boss was once on a fairly long plane trip (in the before times) with a high school team of some sort. He said the smell was incredible ... the question is, with teenage boys, would Axe help or make it worse?
Cindy - feel free to blame me for your desire for a hammer dulcimer. They're lovely. I was once in an old factory converted to shops and, in an atrium, they had a bunch of hammer dulcimer players all playing in unison. Incredible effect.
Miette - someone commented that everyone assumed Miette was a cat.
And, in my news, I have a covid booster scheduled for Thursday morning. Also a flu shot. And, since I've been keeping the office open, checks deposited, phones answered and plants watered, I get a bonus this year.
Yay bonus, Toddson!!
I cannot think Axe would help anything about teenage boy funk.
the question is, with teenage boys, would Axe help or make it worse?
So Much Worse! I say this from experience in basketball gyms.
Yay for bonus, yes!
I have three days at home this week, then we head up to Yardley. I actually might do a test before I go just for super duper extra caution. We'll see his family and mine, all vaxxed and boosted (except the kids aren't boosted yet, though they are vaxxed), but there's no harm in checking myself before I go. None of us going out anywhere. All indoor gatherings, 7 people max anywhere. I am pinning all my feelings of security on the fact that I'm as protected as I can be, mask observant, not going out as much, and even if I get it, my chances of a mild case are good, relatively speaking, it seems. So. Cautious but optimistic, I guess.
Yeah, actually, I will test before I go up. I have to be in a couple of stores today and tomorrow to finish up shopping, so... least I can do, eh?
And: I need to finish my holiday cards today! Buffistas are all done but also the only ones done. I'm writing it here so I can have some accountability. I like doing them, even... just haven't picked up the gauntlet.