No new mets, no growing mets.
I've been told I have post concussion syndrome.
Less yay, but I'm glad it's a diagnosis, at least.
My sister still hasn't gotten me her Christmas wishlist (we do lists in our family because we're so geographically disparate). I'm about ready to put a bunch of Kohl's cash into an envelop and telling her to have fun.
And because of bad GPS directions and the driving/traffic M's anxiety is through the roof and the Xbox controller won't work. I sent him to go get a new controller and I hope that will fix the issue.
Let work I could go back and they are willing to work with my limitations. Although I'm not sure exactly what mine are right now.
I hope the neurologist has more definite instructions for you, askye. Concussion very often does result in personality changes as you are healing so yes, the anxiety is likely related.
Did a blood draw then went to Tesla service. For the first time in 3 years, I had an error message! My 12V battery that does stuff like windows and such needed to be replaced. I watched a video on doing it myself because that is how I roll, then remembered I have a 4-year warranty so I went and got it done for free. Best car ever. I was going to schedule mobile service, because my son would have to come to the house and fix it, but decided it was a better plan to just go have more pleasant strangers do the work.
Well, Montreal had their ComicCon and the cosplayers were feeling the seasonal spirit. I guess it figures when the Canadian Supreme Court looks like this.
I'm off to the Post Office! I have six packages and a card heading out. I'm unduly chuffed to get these out the door in time for pre-Holiday arrival.
My mother - the great procrastinator - always figured that if she got her Christmas cards in the mail by December 24, that was early enough. Although she WAS the person who assumed that if she needed to be someplace by 6:00, leaving at 6:00 was fine.
I pretty much told everyone that their Christmas presents were going to be late since I was going to do my shopping online and haven't been able to.
I haven't even looked at a list. Ah, it's early yet.
I guess it figures when the Canadian Supreme Court looks like this.
My mother - the great procrastinator - always figured that if she got her Christmas cards in the mail by December 24, that was early enough.
I am sure she knew that the 12 Days START on 12/25!