Another vote for retiring, here, if you're set so you can.
I'm...being ambivalent. Our lovely neighbor, the fantastic cook, has asked us to Tgiving. She and her DH are lovely, intelligent, witty people with wide-ranging interests that coincide with ours. They are early vaxxed. Neighbor 2 is coming, also vaxxed. I find it amusing that Neighbors 1 and 2 go roughly weekly to the casino to have lunch and gamble--girls' afternoon out. So far, no problem. Neighbor 1 always invites her grandson who is charming, intelligent, witty, just a delight to add to a conversation. The fly in the ointment is, I don't know if he's vaxxed. He has a new gf, also unsure if she's vaxxed, and she has an 8 year old, vax status unsure. That's a lot of bodies in a small space. They keep their heat pretty high, and the room can get stifling. H and I usually step outside once or twice during the evening to catch a breath. H has decided too many people in a hot room is too much against a delicious dinner and amusing company. I, who am dying for an evening of informed adult conversation, am waffling. I want badly to go, but -- I don't know. I'll buckle up and ask Neighbor 1 if the grandson, girlfriend and kid are vaxxed, and if so, I'll probably go.
I definitely support people bowing out of dinners if some folks are unvaccinated!!
I am at a friend’s for Friendsgiving but sad the two friends canceled who were supposed to fly in from where they moved away to this summer. We hadn’t seen them since they moved and were looking forward to the weekend but they said they have colds (not covid). Booo.
And I’m gone for six weeks because I’m coming here, then going to SF and staying with a friend for actual Thanksgiving, then driving to San Diego and staying there with friends for December! Looking forward to sunshine, a bit apprehensive about sharing a small house with two friends and all of us working and sharing one bathroom.
Also, I have realized that it is really hard to get a Covid test if you don’t drive, because everything is drive through.
That is how I have done mine, but my son went to a quick medical clinic place to have his done.
I had to share this with this group. You'll appreciate it.
HA! Awesome
We usually do Friendsgiving but I rented out the local skating rink for 2 hours on Thanksgiving Day. It may only be me, but I will skate and eat pizza.
I would love to come skate and eat pizza with you. Grand plan!
and it looks like I'm going to have to BUY A NEW PHONE because Authenticator says my device isn't compatible with the version they have
It seems to me if it is required for work they need to provide the phone too!
Askye, I hope both that your employer fixes that Thanksgiving schedule and that your noggin is better today.
I'm thinking of retiring after my next birthday. I'll be 70 and I've been working, pretty much non-stop, since I was 22 (I was off for two weeks before starting my current job ... in 1997).
Yes, I've been thinking about a date for that too. Maybe 70. 70 sounds right to me.
Smaller Thanksgiving for me this year. No kids. My MIL, SIL, BIL and a couple nephews. Maybe a couple other people, will know more tomorrow. I truly love having dozens, but not happening this year.
Big request to send all the ~ma my way today. Potential home buyers we met with last June are coming back. I'm sure they spent the summer exploring their options and most likely will make an offer. May it be an offer we can't refuse.
Welp, one of my nieces woke up with a fever and just tested positive for COVID-19. I hadn't seen them yet, so this is going to change our Thanksgiving plans significantly.
Oh no, shrift! What a mess,
Doctor is advising that the rest of my sister's family not get tested if they are fully vaxxed unless they have symptoms. WTF? Whyyyyy.
What the shit? Breakthrough Covid is a real thing, as is asymptomatic Covid. (Which you know, but I just need to express my frustration verbally.)
Oh no, shrift!
meara, that sounds pretty great!
Exactly my response, Steph. What the shit, indeed.