That's her, though, looking at her photos, only when she's playing Zoe. Wow, she seriously has a range of looks.
She definitely has a range, but WOW does some of that range include Matilda. Good eye, Epic!
I'm sorry for everyone's wonky balance and peripheral vision with masks! A year and a half in the only thing I'm noticing is that I spend a lot of most days that I go to the library to work feeling groggy and fuzzy-headed, and I finally figured out why--the KN95s I use at work sit just in the creases of my eye bags and squoosh them up just a little, and when I'm having trouble keeping my eyes all the way open my brain interprets that as "Must be tired" no matter what the actual reason. It happens when my allergies get bad, too--my eyes get pink and itchy and I want to rub them, and my brain says, "Ah, I know what this is! We must be tired!" NO, BRAIN. BAD BRAIN. STOP. ::yawn::
ION, Prubs has been nestled in a blanket on my lap for the last 25 minutes making soft little contented noises and just chilling. Most guinea pigs tolerate touching and pets and skritches, and a few enjoy them, but she's the first one I've ever known who just goes full-on snooze-all-day lapcat. She's a blissed out, relaxed and utterly trusting MOAR PETS lump in a way almost no prey animal ever is, and it's truly the best feeling to be the recipient of such trust.
I'm also fretting because she has a lump on her lower abdomen--not painful, or impeding her movements or feeding or bothering her in any way, but it's big and I don't like it at all. We've been putting off taking her to the vet to get it checked out because piggies don't often survive even minimally invasive procedures and as long as it wasn't growing fast or hurting her in any way it seemed like taking her in would do more harm than good, but it's big enough that we have to. Her quality of life is totally fine and I feel horribly sure that if we'd taken her in a while ago she'd likely have passed a while ago , and I worry that the outcome will be bad at her visit next month. I just have no faith in anything medical going well for any creature, human or non-, at all anymore.
So I'm just skritching her forehead and massaging her tiny shoulders and listening to the weird little grumbly-but-happy noises we call "porpling" and loving her while she's here.
Lisinopril 40mg/day worked very well for me. Then during chemo last winter my blood pressure started dropping TOO low. So the Lisinopril dose was dropped to 20mg/day, and that has continued to work well for me ever since.
Aw, Prubs {{{JZ}}}
Thanks, Matt and dcp, good to know!
Lisinopril high five. I'm also on a low dose.
Boy, peer pressure about taking drugs is different in your 50s
Not wrong about peer pressure and drugs at older ages.
Prubs is sweet.
Delurking with a little bit of anecdata for JZ.
We became pet owners about six months ago when C. took in two guinea pigs which would otherwise have had to go to the shelter. I am not really a pet person (apart from cats, which we can't do because Mr. Fiona is highly allergic), but Odin and Nelly have won me over.
A couple of weeks ago, C. noticed a hard lump on the left side of Nelly's face? chin? neck? (guinea pig anatomy somewhat ill defined). It didn't seem to hurt but was so big that leaving it alone was not an option. The vet confirmed it was a tumour and, two days later, it was operated out.
The op went well and the tumour came out cleanly. That thing was massive - about the size of one of those wee bouncy balls kids play with, so scaled up for a human frame, about the size of a basketball, I guess. Nelly was fine though, probably more distressed at being kept separate from Odin for a couple of days than by anything else. Her stitches have come out now, and apart from weird fur where she was shaved and which will grow back eventually, she's back to normal and gaining weight again.
I know this is just one data point, but I thought it was funny that two guinea pigs on opposite sides of the world are having the same issues at roughly the same time, and I wanted to let you know that an op doesn't have to end badly. Wishing Prubs and all of you the very best.
Lisinopril was the one that made my tongue swell. I looked like Harry's Aunt Marge. I called the EMTs because I was home alone and didn't really know if the swelling was going to stop or not. Giving directions to the dispatcher was fun. She was quick though, and got almost every syllable. Deserves a raise.
They came, and they sat with me for more than an hour, until it became evident the swelling was decreasing. They left, admonishing me to call if it started up again.
It took me searching for info on "tongue swelling" to find Lisinopril as a culprit. I'd been taking it for five or six years, so who knew what set this incident off. But I'd taken it all that time without any problem.
Not trying to be scary, just a heads up. I hope it keeps working well for all who're taking it.
A lovely double Buffista birthday today! Calli and Burrell both should be treated with love today, and every day. May this year bring much joy.
I used to always tell my mom that I only believed in drugs for recreational purposes. I can still see her shaking her head at me.