Timelies, all!
I've finished my external weekend chores. It's delightfully gray and cold here, although snowless. I love feeling the cold air against my face when I have a warm coat on. And now I can sit in my warm apartment with a cat on my lap, binge-watching Person of Interest.
I was in bed until now o'clock. Hope I do not pay for it tonight, but I think I'll be ok.
[Please imagine the following in the manner of Steve Martin in The Jerk when the phonebook arrives...]
My plastic rectangle is here! My plastic rectangle is here!
I can blow my nose productively.
Every 5 minutes.
I saw my eye doctor at the thrift store this afternoon. He was excited by something he was describing as an old electroshock machine. I have no idea why there would be an old electroshock machine at the thrift store, but he was talking about the medical supply company label on the box and explaining some of the parts to the cashier.
I didn't talk to him. I really didn't want to get involved in a conversation about why one of my doctors is so thrilled to get his hands on a vintage machine to scramble people's brains.
I'm pretty sure your eye doctor is a mad scientist.
He does get really excited about eyeballs.
He was excited by something he was describing as an old electroshock machine. I have no idea why there would be an old electroshock machine at the thrift store
Because SOMEONE is having all the thrift store luck, and it obviously isn't me.