I saw my eye doctor at the thrift store this afternoon. He was excited by something he was describing as an old electroshock machine. I have no idea why there would be an old electroshock machine at the thrift store, but he was talking about the medical supply company label on the box and explaining some of the parts to the cashier.
I didn't talk to him. I really didn't want to get involved in a conversation about why one of my doctors is so thrilled to get his hands on a vintage machine to scramble people's brains.
I'm pretty sure your eye doctor is a mad scientist.
He does get really excited about eyeballs.
He was excited by something he was describing as an old electroshock machine. I have no idea why there would be an old electroshock machine at the thrift store
Because SOMEONE is having all the thrift store luck, and it obviously isn't me.
I would HOPE that an eye doctor has a deep and thorough fascination with eyes, which bodes well for his patients.
As long as we're talking adventures with plastic cards, I just checked the balance on mine, and found a Mystery Entry, from a place called Life's Too Short Inc, for $10.00. Huh, says I, and calls up the Plastic Card people for more details.
Well, it's still pending, so all the guy can tell me is that it was posted yesterday at 10:20 AM.. about which time I was getting gas at an over-priced station up in Andover MA. A little Googling later, it seems to be the corporate name of a chain of North-of-Boston gas stations.
Still... that's a really stupid thing to call a gas station company. Maybe when the charge actually posts (it's "pending" now) the name will change to something more recognizably gasoline-oriented.
I hate when that happens and I'm like "I need a better clue to the name of this place so I know if I went there or not!"
Oh yeah, I called to make a fuss about a "wrong charge" one time, only to learn that two restaurants are actually the same business and all the charges go out under the name of one of them. Eh.
Yesterday I saw my childhood best friend at her mom's 80th birthday, and you know how some old friends you can immediately get back with? It was not like that. But we did eventually have a good talk, so that was nice.
I wonder how many disputed charges they get!
Timelies all!
I had a charge I didn't recognize this month. The description was Independent Bookstore, with a phone number I didn't know. Googled the number to find it was ther American Booksellers Association, or something like that. I had purchased a book from a mystery bookstore, so I assumed that was the charge, but that was a really vague description.