I don't know what it is with this week but every day there have been difficult and mean customers. Today was the worst and we dealt with 5 I think. Someone was on the phone helping a customer when a woman in the store reached over and disconnected the call and told him he was going to help her.
Two ladies that have been in 2 other days this week (and we think stealing along with being rude) came in and were horrid and one insisted that she bought everything using 2 coupons on each product (impossible) and kept holding the email advertising the coupon as if it were the coupon and claiming it had no fine print and was just awful.
Another lady from a Christian organization got made we couldn't reprint a receipt from November and berated everyone and called the manager names.
And one of the normally difficult customers was actually nice. She kept mouthing encouragement and nice things when another customer was talking about how our store is crap and only sells crap items and it's a disappointment to shop here.
Yesterday a lady started yelling because we can't do special orders without an email and she doesn't have one or computers because she worked for the federal government for 20 years and when she left she burned them all. And she doesn't have tv because the government uses them to spy on people. A manager found a solution by using her work email for the order and then the lady was happy and said she was sorry she yelled. She has had a stressful year because her neighbor tried to kill her but people have tried to kill before so she knows what to do.
I was really worried the normally annoying customer's arch rival would come in while she was there and we would have to call the police. They hate each other and one or both have restraining orders against the other. We almost had to call the cops on them last month because they were about to get in a physical altercation.
I hope that's good, Gud.
Alas, no.
13-hour day. I hate everyone.
Totally understandable, that sucks.
Unfortunately, I got bit by the hospital-in-network but some doctors in hospital out-of-network thing again and took another big financial hit.
I got hit by something like that the first few months I was in the U.S. Spent $750 for some clown to look up my nose for two minutes and say it all looked normal to him.
Thankfully, here my treatment is all through the public health system. Everything's covered unless I have to buy anything at the local pharmacy (which is just subsidized).
Also thankfully, I'm back home! So either they're happy with my progress or they've given up on me. I'm still under hospital care, but it's through an outpatient program. They come by three times a day to inject me with drugs. At least they said they're with the hospital, I guess if they do present me with a bill and an introduction to their debt collectors, Anchovy and Reaper, I'll reassess.
Please keep us informed of the progression of your superpowers as they develop.
I shouldn't complain, because I know most of you have more onerous jobs, and at least I can work from home and complain while sitting on my couch.
I just hate that every time it comes to build, it ends up being like this. I mean, this time random things went wrong, rather than stupid mistakes, but we just think, oh, we're almost done, let's keep going. And then there's one more thing, but we're almost done, so let's keep going. And then it's 8PM, and you're almost homicidally determined to finish, but there has to be a better way to do it.
Timelies all!
The party we went to today was dinosaur themed, because the birthday girl likes them. This included having the kids dig for dinosaurs in a bin filled with sand that had small toy dinosaurs in it. You can imagine how much fun they had digging around.
do people have pimento cheese recipes? my grandmother always ate it and I found it disgusting, but I think hers was just cheddar cheese, mayo, and pimentos. I recently had some somewhere and it was DELICIOUS and I think it was much more cream cheese and no or very little mayo.
My grandma made a cream cheese and olive sandwich that was just cream cheese, a little milk, and Spanish olives. But I don't think that was pimento cheese I don't know if I have ever had pimento cheese.
The first hit on Google looks good to me and I think I have made similar. If you use less mayo you will want something to make it less firm: traditional beer cheese recipes are similar but use beer and chop it finer (usually a blender).
Cream cheese and olive sandwiches are delicious, but definitely not pimento cheese!