Dang. (a) what a weird policy and (b) how mean to be so literal!
True. I have taken off my birthday all of my life. It was a school holiday and I never went to school on that day, so I carried over the policy to my work life. I did go to work when I worked in Philadelphia because the office there had really great parties.
I like the idea of an extra personal day so everyone can take their birthday off, but (a) MANDATORY? Seriously? and (b) it's not like people born on Feb 29th don't *age* the other three years!
Maybe they are under some kind of curse, if any employees are on site on the anniversary of their birth they'll, I dunno, ascend?
Maybe they are under some kind of curse, if any employees are on site on the anniversary of their birth they'll, I dunno, ascend?
So smash the manager's amulet and MOVE ON. Sheesh.
There is far too little amulet smashing being done these days
It should be more of a floating holiday. Take it when you want.
I spend a vacation day to take my birthday off every year, and I sit on a patio with a fancy coffee and thank people on Facebook for their good wishes, because that beats the fork out of going into the office.
Timelies all!
I took my birthday off this year because it was a milestone and I gave myself a spa day. Not something I'm likely to do other years.
I love the updates on Ask a Manager. This one is just the weirdest hill to die on. (I think it got quite possibly the most negative reaction to an update since this occasion: [link]
Meanwhile, here's a thing that just happened in my office: I just had to explain to my manager what IIRC means. As if I needed another reason to feel like the odd one out in this office.
I think it got quite possibly the most negative reaction to an update since this occasion: [link].
Oh damn, that one was bonkers. The OP updated a couple of times, and mentioned that she was in counseling, which I think made the commentariat collectively say THANK GOD.