The debate was an absolute shit show. Biden was fine. Trump had no emotional control, and Chris Wallace had no idea how to moderate him.
Exactly. I just hope they don't have two more of these. I had very low expectations, but it was so much worse than I expected. No moderator should agree to this ever without a mute button for the clown's mic.
I didn't watch the debate. I decided to be kind to my blood pressure. Also, it's an infusion week, and one potential risk of the infusions is a spike in blood pressure. I've read a couple of post-debate reviews, and I think I made the right decision.
I DID watch the revival of The Weakest Link, and I recommend. Especially to fans of Jane Lynch. Really, how can I resist a line like, "Whose Pinky and the Brain are the same size?"
I think getting by seeing people's comments here and on FB + the occasional clip was plenty. I have a low tolerance for political debates at their best
Oh yeah, I have zero regrets about not watching.
I sort of regret watching, except the red-hot fury I felt at one point kind of snapped me out of my lethargy, so that was good I guess?
I feel good about my decision not to watch. It sounds like the debate was mostly Trump being an asshole which is something I feel like I already knew.
Yeah, the only thing I was really wondering was if Biden would let himself get run over, which didn't sound like it happened. But I have no need to subject myself to the other guy for 50 minutes to learn that.
I had to keep getting up and busting myself with the dog. (Who, after two hours outdoors, came inside afterward and promptly peed on the carpet. Thanks dog)
But I never thought I'd see the day CNN called a debate a "shitshow" on air.
Also interesting: apparently Joe Biden DID say "inshallah"! Secret Muslim conspiracies are a go.
My son had to watch the debate for Social Studies homework so we watched about the first half of it and then let him go to bed.
I thought Biden was terrible, honestly. I think he was going for quiet dignity but he just sounded old and tired to me. Trump as nothing to gain by good behavior - his voters *like* that their candidate is a bully.
I had to watch. Decade after decade I have always watched. Never saw anything like this though. The biggest moments of rage came with the claims of no harm coming to his rally attendees from Covid, and claiming Obama left all these empty judicial slots open through neglect of duty. I might still be grinding my teeth.