I had to keep getting up and busting myself with the dog. (Who, after two hours outdoors, came inside afterward and promptly peed on the carpet. Thanks dog)
But I never thought I'd see the day CNN called a debate a "shitshow" on air.
Also interesting: apparently Joe Biden DID say "inshallah"! Secret Muslim conspiracies are a go.
My son had to watch the debate for Social Studies homework so we watched about the first half of it and then let him go to bed.
I thought Biden was terrible, honestly. I think he was going for quiet dignity but he just sounded old and tired to me. Trump as nothing to gain by good behavior - his voters *like* that their candidate is a bully.
I had to watch. Decade after decade I have always watched. Never saw anything like this though. The biggest moments of rage came with the claims of no harm coming to his rally attendees from Covid, and claiming Obama left all these empty judicial slots open through neglect of duty. I might still be grinding my teeth.
I sort of regret watching, except the red-hot fury I felt at one point kind of snapped me out of my lethargy, so that was good I guess?
It broke through my superstition. I phone banked for Elizabeth Warren, and I gave her money I don't know how many times during the primary.
I was afraid to do anything for Joe, or for any candidate during the general. I felt like a jinx. (I know that's not rational, but it's how I felt.)
Last night, I sent the Biden Harris campaign $100. It's not going to save the world. I feel a little like Xander, "Cavalry's a frightened guy with a rock, but it's here." I'm here now.
I don't like to say this often, or to many people. It's mostly the kind of thing I only say to a couple of members of my immediate family: I believe if Joe Biden does not take the White House (i.e. soundly defeat Trump, emerge victorious in any court challenges surrounding the ballots, get inaugurated, and oust Trump from the Oval Office), America is over.
We (especially those of us with any sort of privilege, gender, money, location) might not see it all at once, but he's a metastasis.
Cindy, I think of it like climate change. We have the opportunity to turn onto a course that lets us start fixing the problems NOW. If the wrong choice is made we CAN come back from it - look at Germany - but it'll be a lot longer, a lot uglier, and a lot more people will die.
I have nothing to add to the debate discussion. I couldn't watch them even when they weren't starring malignant narcissists.
However, I do have to say, if you haven't checked out today's Google doodle yet - it's pretty cute. And interactive!
Actually, it's about ethics in dog journalism.
I didn't watch the debate because it would make me so angry.
I did dip into twitter. Many conservatives are trying to make something out of Biden calling TRump a liar, racist and a clown-- how dare they say such horrible things and Trump never said anything horrible like that during the debate??--- I mean they have to find outrage somewhere.
Went up to see Mom and get stuff out of her storage lockers and move somethings around for her. M went with me even though he wasn't feeling great.
Take aways from that- this pandemic sucks and Mom is getting old, not moving enough and I can tell it's taking toll.
I'm out of shape way more than I should be and need to actually figure out someo kind exercise routine that I will do.
Asking M to do anything physical is something I shouldn't do because of his back, and also he got super bitchy and then we got bitchy at each other. And I'm worried his mom will bitch about me bringing more stuff in the house but I also brought some shevling to store it in.
But I never thought I'd see the day CNN called a debate a "shitshow" on air.
Twice. And I stopped watching after Harris' reaction.
I skipped the debate itself, but did catch up with some of the comments afterwards. I did watch Colbert's commentary. oy