I wrote to Sens Scott and Rubio concerning the inappropriateness of voting on the SCOTUS vacancy when we are currently voting for President. Senator Scott this morning wrote back and addressed my Covid-19 concerns.
Dear sir, I hope this form letter finds you well...
That seems to be the way a lot of politicians handle it - I've heard multiple stories from people who write a disfavorable letter to the Senator/Congressman and get a response saying "thank you for your support".
We went to Costco today so I renewed my membership. It wasn't bad going there, the parking lot was full but it seemed like there were fewer people inside. And they didn't seem to have as many displays of things as I remember from the last time I was there (which was march I think).
But it was exhausting and I'm done with that until next month when we go again or possibly Instacart it.
Wednesday I'm going up to see Mom -- social distancing! We are getting my tv and some other stuff out of her storage unit. And then I'm doing nothing else until I go back to work because that is enough "big trips". I have lost my stamnia for stuff like that.
Gud, your wife projects every time she says something bad about you. She's the jerk, every time. You need a mental mirror to hold up to her to bounce it back and prevent you from internalizing it. But first you need medical care. Seriously.
I filled out a time sheet today! For only one of my crew (instead of 5 +overhire) but still... first time since June. We have a show up and running!
In adulting news, I renewed my license plate and I'm trying to figure out if it's worth getting a Real ID or if I should just renew the regular driver's license. I can renew online.
Show up and running! Congratulations!
Timelies all!
Happy Birthday Sophia and smonster!
Our new dishwasher has finally arrived at the store. Delivery and instillation here is scheduled for tomorrow.
Happy birthday to Sophia and smonster!
Also, why and I watching news? A much better plan would be to avoid all media for a couple months.
I re-watched Hamilton on Saturday, in an attempt to do just that, Laura. I ended up crying through much of it. I can either be sad or angry, it seems. Both are exhausting. Neither are good for me physically or mentally.
I fell skating outdoors yesterday and hit the pavement pretty hard. I feel like I've been hit by a bus. ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET! Mine saved my nut, which double bounced.
Oh, Cashmere! I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad you were wearing a helmet to protect those spicy brains.
Oh, Cashmere! I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks. I'm just sore. Which is embarrassing because I took much harder hits and falls during derby. But that's going on five years now and I am so much older and less fit. It would have been cooler if some amazing woman knocked me down.
That seems to be the way a lot of politicians handle it - I've heard multiple stories from people who write a disfavorable letter to the Senator/Congressman and get a response saying "thank you for your support".
"Send them the bedbug letter" [link]