way too much in the way of pumpkin flavored this and that
pumpkin spice iced coffee
I LOVE ALL THE PS STUFF! except it seems coffee. I got JoJos and petite cookies and fakey Pop-Tarts (The actual pumpkin Pop-Tarts that come out limited edition I have not seen yet, but this year I am going to STOCK UP!, and some soup.
Oh, man, only now do I realize I forgot to look for pumpkin ravioli!
Also got a pumpkin cold foam whatever on the way to give blood. Yum.
And string theory totally makes sense but I would need to see it in context to get there myself, I think.
Timelies all!
Haven't had much by way of pumpkin spice flavored things, as I don't like coffee. I haven't even had pumpkin pie, as my MIL doesn't like it, so we always do apple pie at Thanksgiving.
The Trader Joe's wave of pumpkin stuff is about to become a tsunami. They had some stuff last week, including gluten free pumpkin bagels, which are so fucking good.
Also got a pumpkin cold foam whatever on the way to give blood.
Yeah! That's what I had! I liked it.
Tomorrow might be a perfect day to go to Trader Joe's for All The Pumpkin.
I only drink black coffee but I'm happy for folks who are into the pumpkin spice lattes and such. I hope y'all are enjoying pumpkin spice season.
Yikes, shrift, I think you should stay in SF.
If I do end up staying, it would be nice to do some socially-distanced thing here!
I think, counter-intuitively, airplanes are relatively safe because the ventilation is good. But you also want to be sure that people are wearing masks, and wearing them correctly, and god knows you can't depend on people for fucking anything.
The ventilation thing is good to know. I'm also worried about getting to the airport, being in multiple airports since I can't get a direct flight, and people being even worse assholes than they usually are at airports and on the plane.
If rapid testing is available, then I'd feel better about putting my family at risk by traveling. But while my immediate family has been wearing masks, they're definitely out and about more than I am and we've also got some wingnuts who might believe QAnon conspiracy theories.
It doesn't help that I'm working on some pretty massive projects that have eaten my life, including a brand new one that has me worried about my ability to participate in Yuletide.
Oh man, thank god Yuletide is at least one thing that shouldn't be ruined by COVID.
That and this place. Yay inter webs.
I suppose a complete hazmat suit for the duration of transit would be impractical
I stood gazing at the pumpkin spice Irish cream for quite a while before deciding that having that in my house would definitely lead to drinking while working. Maybe for Thanksgiving, if they still have it.