I suppose a complete hazmat suit for the duration of transit would be impractical
I stood gazing at the pumpkin spice Irish cream for quite a while before deciding that having that in my house would definitely lead to drinking while working. Maybe for Thanksgiving, if they still have it.
In bad news--puppy suddenly was barking like mad at my work computer power cord, as I sat here in my chair. WtF, puppy? I reached back to be like "look, I'm touching it, it's fine, it's a cord, chill" and got shocked! Apparently puppy chewed on it enough to make it stripped and I'm thinking that's why he was suddenly all barky at it--it bit him! Now I have to hope IT can send me a new one ASAP! (I had not realized he was chewing on it--he's tried to chew on other cables and I've stopped him, but I guess this one he did quick enough I didn't catch him, sadly)
Yikes, meara! Is the cord still getting power to your computer? Also, sigh of relief that neither of you was badly electrocuted!
I suppose a complete hazmat suit for the duration of transit would be impractical
Man, I would be down for that if I could get through airport security.
Quantas offered a flight to nowhere (flying over various Australian landmarks). It sold out in ten minutes.
Also - the Green Party is having a rally outside my office building. Their sound system seems to be turned up to 11 (periodically, I can feel the building vibrating). I have a headache ... may go home early.
I'd suggest you go outside with a "Stop Noise Pollution " sign, but they probably wouldn't appreciate it
Speaking of autumnal goodies, let me spread the word about apple cider syrup. Get some non-alcoholic apple cider (aka, non-clarified apple juice). Fresh from a farm stand, if you've got 'em. Then dump it all in a big sauce pan or pot and boil it down until it's the consistency of maple syrup. That'll probably mean reducing it by 3/4s. Put it on pancakes, waffles, etc. It is so good! I made it toward the end of apple cider season last year, and I'm looking forward to making it again this fall.