Happy Birthday, Ms. Trudy! Hope you're having a lovely day! I've been watching a lot of reruns of Elementary, so think of you often!
That does sound frustrating, msbelle.
I have nothing to add to the quinoa convo, having never prepared it myself.
Hope you and the roommate are both OK, Shir! Sorry about not seeing your family.
We've had 3 different people leave the company this week, 2 of them in site leadership. That feels like a bad omen (except that I wasn't the biggest fan of either of them, so maybe it'll be a net positive?) Mostly won't affect me directly, except that I'm having to scramble to figure out who should sign for stuff that the one guy couldn't be bothered with before he left. And it's making me wonder if my strategy of keeping my head down and being grateful to be able to work from home in *all this* (and not actively job hunting) is still a good strategy or me being lazy when I should be more proactive...
sj - that sounds lovely.
It mostly is except I also have a migraine because of the rain. It's not to bad if I don't move around much. So I guess I'm stuck on the couch watching Wynonna Earp until TCG and ltc get home.
Now I want to make my quinoa salad I haven't made in forever. Will have to see if I can find a ripe avocado....
It is definitely smokier here today. Booo. And I'm torn because it's getting v warm in the daytime and normally I counteract that by having a fan blowing in the cool air overnight. But that doesn't work great when the air outside is smoky. Hmmm.
ET - I sent you an email.
Oh and that project? We have 6 divisions. I had 1 division done, so that email went out immediately. I have since finished 2 more. So 3 more divisions' data to go through and send email and then work on their responses if/when I get them (Divisions may choose to do the updating work on their own or they may ask for my help). SO THERE!
so now I am going to reward myself with taking a shower and putting on an outfit that might make me happy.