I think I was approaching hoarder status - I'd lived the same apartment for 34 years and I don't think I ever got rid of anything. Boxes (and boxes) of books. Antique china and glassware. Stacks of books. Closets stuffed with clothing. Shoes I can't wear any more.
Then I had to move. Donated several hundred books (enough that I twice filled the back of the vehicle the local place picked up). Donated ... I lost count of how many bags of clothing, household goods, shoes, etc., a local place picked up (I don't have a car, but I found a place that would send a truck - they'd schedule a day, notify you ahead of a two-hour window, the truck driver would call about 15 minutes before arriving and haul everything to the truck). The place would sell the stuff and use the funds to provide healthcare to people without insurance. The books went to a place (that would only pick up books if you had at least 100 ... he he he ... do I count as an overachiever here?) that sells second-hand books, DVDs, CDs and uses the money to fund literacy programs.
I ended up calling the "got junk" people who filled half a truck with boxes of books I hadn't had a chance to sort through, plus a desk that no one wanted and an old room-sized rug even I didn't want any more.
That's hard, Katerina. Chemo did a number on my mom's thought processes at times, and it was very difficult to deal with. I hope your sister will get to a recovery place where she can interact with her surroundings and you in a healthier way.
Sending ~ma, Gud! Nice that you have the skills to be in demand.
Yeah, I feel really lucky and sometimes kinda guilty.
That sounds really hard, all those hoarding situations. Yikes.
In good news, the puppy was a butthead at like 1030-1130pm but then finally settled down and slept until 7am!!! ....the bad news is that MY body has gotten used to getting up, so I still woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Doh!
There are so many people I want to respond to but I have been reading over a few days and not posting and I don't quite have the patientce to truly re-read and meara, but
Steph- I think not dealing with your father's health is a good move for your health.
Maria- I too am diabetic, and I do have to get back on the wagon. Two years ago my a1c was down to normal, but I haven't been eating as well as I was then since COVID-19 and am drinking too much. I found the carbs per meal thing a struggle and it didn't really help me get my numbers down, so I went radically low carb, but right now I am often simply not eating which gets my blood sugar up. I am afraid to test. But diabetesdaily.com has a pretty good forum and low carb and very low carb recipes, and I found them the most helpful
Katerina/Toddson. It must be hard with your sister. That has to be very frightening for her and frustrating for you. When I saw my therapist about my junk problem she said that the fact I WANTED everything gone and was happy to have it thrown away was a sign that I wasn't a true hoarder with that kind of issue, but more of a depressive who got overwhelmed and she said that was easier to help. She said that true hoarding was difficult to overcome (but possible). This is making me want to clean up, because with COVID-19 and the no Aidan, things are pretty messy, but no where near the level that they were.
askye I hope healthwise, things stay positive for P and that M gets on the right meds.
Gud- "Gud" Luck with your screening!
Also I just discovered that I can make this typing box bigger!!!!! Is that new, or a Mac thing? I am usually on my phone/iPad.
Well, I've moved into the new place with less stuff ... but it's still a lot of stuff. I'm working in the office full time, so I haven't had time to do the amount of unpacking I'd like. I junked some old furniture (the dresser I painted myself in 1975), a wardrobe and so on. I've bought new rugs, a new bookcase, a wicker chest, a new upholstered chair and an armoire/wardrobe for my winter coats (will there BE a winter?) that needs a rod to hang them on ... I'm not having a lot of luck finding one, but I swear I will. I could use a new dresser (because I still have an unreasonable amount of clothes). But it will work out ... and I'd been saving for about 18 months, so I can buy new stuff (although there's a limit on how much I'm willing to spend). But this new apartment/working full time thing is a pain. This weekend - all three days! - will be largely devoted to unpacking and organizing.
Re Sally Ride and the tampons - turns out it was 100 ... here.
There are so many people I want to respond to but I have been reading over a few days and not posting and I don't quite have the patientce to truly re-read and meara, but
I feel that!
That sounds awful, Katerina. I'm sorry. At some point it may make sense to stop trying to help.
Wow, Toddson, good for you for going through and dealing with all that stuff!
That sounds promising for M, askye. And fingers crossed for your mom's friend.
Also, oh no! The Rock, and his family are Covid positive.
They were sick and are recovering! Phew.
Good luck, Gud! You are clearly very skilled in the right stuff!