Flea, that's nuts but I'm glad you're out.
Well, I'm off work for 5 days, 2 of which I will spend on a road trip to Colorado to stay in the mountains with my brother-the-doctor and his family. Bringing the dog, the laptop, and the mountain bike, so I can do some work from 9,000 feet. So looking forward to it, except for the 2 days in the car each way.
I am staying over in a hotel on Sunday night in eastern Nevada; I just wasn't prepared to camp. Gotta bring some wipes, I guess...
My town is thinking of enacting mandatory face mask for people going to a grocery stores or pharmacies and for all employees. The local FB group was a shitshow of ppl flipping out. One woman kept responding to my actual questions by posting images of boxes of masks that say the don't prevent coronavirus. I explained about reducing risk etc and posted multiple scientific articles that explain why masks work. When I asked her to tell me why those scientists are wrong she never responded.
But there were also people pro mask who were saying things like "would you go to a store with no shoes or shirt"?
Glad you got the clearance, 'Suela.
Just got back from the grocery store. Seemed like 75-80% of people were wearing masks. Things have really changed here.
Sure sounds like you made the right choice, flea.
That sounds awesome, Consuela! I love the mountains.
Random nostalgia - I'm reading a murder mystery and one of the clues is explained with "Saturday was the last weekend on April - the start of Daylight Savings Time"
Last weekend in April!
I'm sorry, Gud. Can we help or listen?
I dunno, there are certainly a lot of people with bigger problems. It was just a work day were I was busy but didn't accomplish much. Then I kept screwing things up in the evening. I wasn't feeling very well after work so I laid down and listened to an audiobook for a bit, but then I fucked up and feel asleep. When I woke up it was too late for me to take care of dinner and my wife got really angry, pointing out how I always let her down. After that I went to the grocery store where I forgot a couple of things, then went back to get the missing stuff. Then I did some quick carpet shampooing and I fucked up again and missed the spot my wife really wanted me to get. I hate making mistakes, whenever I make mistakes I really let people down which is probably why people don't like me.
Anyhow, then I processed mail and paid bills to discover some really big medical bills for my son. Well, we just had to replace our HVAC system since the blower motor burned out and it was too old to repair so now money is getting pretty tight. I don't want to tell my wife because I know she will freak out and get really angry and I've already fucked up a lot.
I'm still feeling too sick to eat anything and just generally feeling really down and like the world would be a lot better without me just fucking things up and disappointing people.
When I woke up it was too late for me to take care of dinner
Why didn't she take care of dinner? She doesn't have a job.
I'm still feeling too sick to eat anything and just generally feeling really down and like the world would be a lot better without me just fucking things up and disappointing people.
Holy shit, any decent spouse (which your wife is not) would step up and take care of things while you are sick!
Your wife sucks. She's abusive and shitty.