Porcupines are notoriously hard to spot in the wild here, even for researchers who go out looking for them to study. We have them, but they hide really well, apparently.
Baby bunnies do not have an easy time of it. There's a reason why rabbits are a symbol of fertility, gotta make a lot of babies to have a few survive.
I ran out to get lunch and discovered the coffee I bought on the way into the office (because I wasn't sure about the coffee situation in the office (and the situation is, the coffee makers are unplugged, although I think I heard that the department keurig is still available we just have to clean it thoroughly if we use it) was still in my car. I spent all morning thinking I had already finished my coffee, but no. Still warmer than lukewarm and strangely delicious. Maybe just because I haven't been drinking coffee for a while?
I meant to say, Matilda's whole starting high school experience is just atrocious so far. Bah.
Huh. Posting that just made me remember that when I started high school the computer system for schedules somehow lost me so I wasn't showing up as enrolled in any classes for a while. Fortunately it was a small school and we were able to work it out manually pretty quickly. Forgot all about that.
Don't tell anyone, but I am flagrantly walking the "wrong" way down the aisle my cube is on. I can see all the way down to the end that there is no one else in it and there's no reason for anyone to use it unless they are coming to see me...
I just wanted something close to normal, you know?
Don't tell anyone, but I am flagrantly walking the "wrong" way down the aisle my cube is on.
-t is a damn rebel I tell ya.
Went and got son drug tested. He goes for orientation on Monday and Tuesday. I told him he should let them know he is comfortable and secure in his orientation, but I guess it is a mandatory thing.
amyparker, I thinking bursting into tears during yoga is more common than you think. Virtual distanced hugs, in any case
Timelies all!
Mr. S has an inflatable flamingo, which he keeps deflating and re-inflating. Your guess is as good as mine.
He's testing his ability to change the state of the universe?
Home again, home again. It's way hotter here than the office. Well, I've got a week to weigh the pros of cons of doing that again.
Funny thing I noticed - my key fob thingy had a dead battery in February, so I had to stick in a slot on the dashboard to make the car go. I replaced the battery after shelter at home started. Today when I pulled into my driveway I automatically reached to pull the fob out of the slot and had to think about why that automatic motion was not getting anything for me. I have not been doing that when I come home from the grocery store, apparently it's a coming-home-from-work specific habit at this point
chrismg: [link]
The Splendid Table on chili peppers. I haven't listened to it, but it might have something to help with that craving
Laura, I saw the news about your impending grandson. How wonderful!
I'm sorry about the baby bunnies, askye.
Tickybox, who is a fan of WWDitS, has asked if she can be my minion, as she recognizes my vampire status.
(She also ships Guillermo/Nandor. Because we raised her right.)
I always figured Plei sprogged to produce a minion for you, Atropa.