Laura, I saw the news about your impending grandson. How wonderful!
I'm sorry about the baby bunnies, askye.
Tickybox, who is a fan of WWDitS, has asked if she can be my minion, as she recognizes my vampire status.
(She also ships Guillermo/Nandor. Because we raised her right.)
I always figured Plei sprogged to produce a minion for you, Atropa.
OK, I have finally watched Hamilton
I'm going to the library today!
OK, so it's just for a 'contactless pickup' of a DVD (I literally have a dozen outstanding requests for books but there's quite the backlog) but I don't think I've ever gone 3 months between Going To The Library since about the age of 7.
I was outdoor drinking this afternoon, but I made it home just moments before the thunderstorm passed over.
Timelies all!
Ate lunch outside today. We picked up lunch at Panera, then went to a nearby playground that had picnic tables. (This way Mr. S could go run around the playground after he ate.) Only down side was that the table we ate at was in the sun, and I got a little burnt.
Wouldn't it be nice if I could list a speeding ticket as a deduction?
eta: I mean, I paid it over the phone the very next day, didn't bother with any court proceedings, just deposited a nice chunk of change into Clackamas County's coffers...seems like that should warrant a deduction? Amirite?
Since it's basically a contribution to the state's resources, yeah, it ought to be deductible!
I have to do about an hour of work today, and then I'm gonna tackle the clutter. Yesterday I did yard work and did not die so I feel pretty happy about that.
Everything is deductible if you're not audited, right?
Ugh, ugh, ugh. My cats apparently decided the dog's bed in his crate off in the corner of the living room was the very best litter box. I knew I smelled it, but couldn't figure it out. The dog is still in Florida, and really doesn't need or use a crate anymore so I'll take it apart. OF course the bedding and bed are already in a trash bag tossed into the yard.
I'd already taken away their ability to freely go in and out of the house because they were bringing me deceased wildlife. Maybe bringing them here wasn't such a good plan.
Sorry about the cat drama, Laura. They're probably just getting used to a new environment.
I need
My boss has sent me a FB invite to her virtual Norwex party tonight. "Looking forward to seeing you!" I didn't respond to the initial invite, and I'm feeling pressured by this. It's a whole friends-circle thing. The coworker who got me hired at this company, and his wife, have been game-night friends with me for years - not close friends but friendly acquaintances. His wife is a Norwex rep and I've bought Norwex stuff from her a few times. My boss is friends with them both, and Coworker's Wife got Boss into becoming a Norwex rep. I saw danger when I got the invite to Boss's virtual party and did not respond, hoping that would send the message that I don't want to be involved. I don't have the money to spend on stuff I don't need, and I don't want to mix either casual friendship or profit-making into my relationship with my boss. And my boss is really nice and super supportive, I like her, but I don't think this is appropriate and I'm not comfortable with the idea of buying stuff from my boss. Not to mention, this job - which I like - pays me about the minimum I can live on, I don't feeling like I have to give some of that money back to my boss or risk souring our working relationship.
What do I do? How do I respond to this?