watch him issue a raft of pardons on his way out the door.
I do expect they'll do this kind of thing, however you can't pardon somebody until they're convicted. And his kids won't be convicted until he's out of office.
You can't pre-emptively pardon somebody.
You can't pre-emptively pardon somebody.
I wonder how many times his enablers have had to explain that to Trump.
You can't pre-emptively pardon somebody.
Not true. In the Federal system the president can pardon before indictment for unspecified crimes. Ford gave Nixon a pardon like this -- just said he was pardoned for anything he might have done between two dates, and that was that.
I absolutely expect the the preemptive pardons. Can't do it for future dates though.
Hanging at charging station. Should have done it last night but wanted bed. In Santee SC. Seen more masks on the road than expected. Could be general caution of travelers. Off to Gettysburg in about 20 minutes.
Cats have been champion travelers.
We have all survived the night. Miley slept on the floor. Bailey was not at all welcoming her to the bed (no growls, just hogging space and being a pest to me) and Miley was a little too wound up to sit still until she fell asleep, promptly snoring.
I was up again before the alarm, so there must still be adrenaline from the trip.
I am more freaked out now that I am home how many people there were around me and that so many people were not wearing masks in the airport.
Everything from yesterday is getting washed and I showered and washed my hair and I will wash my sheets. I had meant to shower last night, but crashed.
Miley is managing the stairs like a champ except first thing in the morning. I remember she preferred to be carried out first thing in the morning. I know she was not getting that at the last foster house, but princesses are gonna princess.
She is now asleep upstairs and Bailey is at my feet. Here's to an interesting day. May everyone get re-acquainted quickly and the routine be established soon.
You can't pre-emptively pardon somebody.
Nixon was preemptively pardoned.
It'll take a crowbar to pry the bloated orange tick out of the the White House. Things are going to be real bad, and it scares me to know I can't even imagine what he'll do.
I imagine it's going to involve the bunker at some point. I say just weld it shut.
In re china: I have, um, kind of a lot of antique china. Some of it inherited, some of it I bought. Seemed like a good idea at the time. You know, you can get hangers (curved bits of metal go over the edge of a plate, springs provide tension to keep them clamped) that let you hang plates on the wall. My mother had quite a display done this way ... several of them throughout the house. I once suggested to a friend that, for a shower (bridal, I think), she have the guests bring a teacup and saucer, since it was going to be a larger group than she had matching china for, and leave the cups and saucers as shower gifts.
OMG - I do NOT recommend scheduling yourself for an all day MS Project training class the day after crazy travel day.
Also? big boss did not seem to register that I was out yesterday and sent me things to do yesterday and wanted them by 9am today. So yeah - missed the intro of this training.