I'm fucking exhausted by explaining why you don't "correct" "Black lives matter" to "All lives matter." I can't even fathom how black people feel about this bullshit.
Our community page is really showing the people of our town for what they are good and bad. At, least the bad ones I can tell off or write off. It's the dunderheads in the squishy middle who are exhausting, because I feel like, if they're just clueless people of good will, if someone doesn't cluestick them, they're going to slide into willful ignorance.
OMG, this! I had a "friend" (more like friendly acquaintance, but FB doesn't make that distinction) post a seemingly sincere, "why is saying All Lives Matter a problem", post. So I (plus a mutual friend, plus a couple of his friends that I don't know gave answers. Ranging from posting a meme, posting statistics, posting long, thought out answers. He just kept doubling down with "what about this, what about that...?" so after about my 4th answer I said, "I'm going to stop responding to this post now. We've given you sincere answers, but it doesn't seem like you're here to learn. It seems like you're looking for an argument or for someone to tell you you're right, and I'm not here for that." The only response I got to that was one of his female friends liking my post.
A little later that night, he posted a meme with a picture of a black baby and some "statistic" about "more black babies are aborted than born in New York - All Lives Matter". I noped out; hit Snooze on him.