It's too early to start drinking but it's not too early to start mixing drinks.
That is a fine line to draw my friend, but I'm sure you know what you're doing.
I went actually inside a grocery store this morning and that has sapped my will to do anything else the rest of the day. Pantry is pretty well topped off, though.
Orange and mint doesn't sound like a combination that should work, and yet lemon and mint is delicious. Hm.
Aw, my nephew did his oral defense of his senior project/thesis (I'm not sure what they call it) and my sister and my parents got to actually see it - they were told it would be on YouTube so I might get to see it, too. Woo! I'm so proud of him. He started at St Johns in Santa Fe in 2012 or 13, transferred to Annapolis after a couple of years and then dropped out after a semester and a bit to see about pursuing Physics somewhere a bit more technical. He spent the next few years working and taking classes at various places in Portland and eventualy decided to go back and finish up at St Johns and then go on to law school, and he's actually done it and apparently with some distinction - at least, his senior thesis thingy was really well received by the panel he was in front of, two of whom had never met him before - I'm impressed!
Congrats to him, -t! That's very cool.
He cooks. And does most of the house work but yeah....I mean he is content with his life and that is not what I want.
But I'm going back to work. I got paid unemployment and the stimulus check. And I'm not doing anything right away but I'm going to continue to spend as little as possible, and wait and see how work goes and if work is staying stable take the stimulus money and anything else I can save and pay off some credit card debt and start chipping away and get in a better position to make decisions. I can't afford to live on my own here, at least not righr now but I want to have less debt before I think about ending things and moving out.
But that is kinda where I am.
We are under a tornado warning. Possibly 2 on the ground nearish here.
That's a smart plan, askye. Stay safe! What is up with all these tornados, I feel like I'm hearing about more of them than usual.
When my sister finished watching she called my parents to say "I didn't understand any of that but it went really well. I think I need to run around the block!" Which sums it up pretty well.
Stay safe, skye!
Congrats to your nephew, -t!
I went actually inside a grocery store this morning and that has sapped my will to do anything else the rest of the day.
Holy fuck, y'all. Yesterday was grocery day (TJs and Meijer), and by the time I got home, I was DONE for the rest of the day. And the thing was, there was nothing different about shopping from the last few weeks. I think it's just cumulatively gotten to me.
After I put the groceries away, I took a 3-hour nap yesterday. I *never* nap. (Not out of some Puritan anti-nap belief; I'm just incapable of napping unless I'm sick or drugged. Or, apparently, completely worn out from quarantine shopping.)
It was my first time actually going in and shopping since all this, I've been doing pick-up or delivery, and all that being aware of where everyone else was and which way the aisles were supposed to go on top of the usual stresses of grocery shopping (it's never my favorite thing to do) really wore me out.
Tornado warning is over. We have a tornado watch until 10 and a severe thunderstorm warning until 8:45.
We spent most of the warning hunkered down in the bathroom so that was interesting. And not something I want to repeat.