ioMn, I'm back home, the cast is off, and I'm hobbling around with an uncomfortable "boot" and scooting up and down the stairs on my butt. I'm still using a walker because I can't bear my whole weight on my injured foot yet (and I'm a clumsy flailing mess on crutches). My sister just left. The house is strangely silent. (I love my sister a lot. She talks constantly.) I didn't think it would feel strange to be home. I can always go back to her place, of course, if I feel like I need to, but I think I'll be okay. I just hope the leg continues to heal quickly.
Right now I'm going to go take a nap on the couch, and then maybe I'll work on a way to get someone to bring me some junk food.
When I got home from several days in the hospital, what first struck me was noticing the way the house smelled (not bad, I'd just never noticed it had a fragrance).
I despised crutches. Though it was a lot better once I only needed one for balance.
Welcome home, Zenkitty! I hope the transition is easier than anticipated.
I have no idea what that feels like, and I suspect I'd feel uncomfortable with it if I ever got it.
Most people don't. Like nearly all people. And knowing that you'd feel uncomfortable is a level of self-awareness that, again, is rare.
Zen, I for one, would be grateful for a spreadsheet! I am the worstwith names irl, much less with secret identities!
And, welcome home, may the itching and increased healing scurry to a satisfying conclusion sharpish.
When I got home from several days in the hospital, what first struck me was noticing the way the house smelled (not bad, I'd just never noticed it had a fragrance).
Nose blindness. It's a thing!
I know this from extensive data gleaned from taking complaints for cat people when they arrive home following vacations in other climes.
Healing~ma, Zen.
I have to write my business plan tonight, and I'm fucking exhausted. I just want to sleep. It's due by Tuesday and I have to work work during the day.
Jesus, I was just getting into the swing of writing and now my helper tells me he has to be at a school orientation tomorrow morning and doesn't know how long it will take. And he will be taking the bus from there to the job site. Yes, I wanted to spend my Monday wrestling large wood doors by myself. I've already confirmed with the homeowner that we'll be there. Gah.
My mother called, wanting me to reassure her that I won't get arrested for protesting the health care bill, or thrown out of my wheelchair. I said that I wouldn't, but I'm not sure that she believes me.
I was mostly offline for a week, away with family. This conversation has been really interesting . I have a good relationship with my parents. and after spending a week with them saw a lot of stuff. One of the things that I have been dealing with since the election is what to do with anger. Or even other emotions that are more ... volatile. Being with the family I remembered that I was deemed 'overemotional'. Such a stupid label. I could have used some help dealing with strong emotions.
None of this is crippling. But the conversation has got me thinking that it might be worth getting help.
Relationships are so complex. I blame a lot of this on the fact that are two full people involved, not two halves of a whole. It would be nice if we shared a brain.
My therapist has said (and my brother, the MS student in psychology, confirms) that people with trauma/PTSD* just have whole chunks of their memory missing.
Holy shit, really? I have very, very patchy memories of my childhood and adolescence in an alcoholic and emotionally abusive environment. My sister remembers a lot more than me.