Wash: Mal, your dead army buddy's on the bridge! Zoe: He ain't dead. Wash: Oh.

'The Message'

Spike's Bitches 49: As usual, I'm here to help you, and I... are you naked under there?

Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risqué (and frisqué), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Toddson - Oct 24, 2023 11:39:38 am PDT #7951 of 8155
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

For those who might be interested, I came across Nandor the Relentless Is the Man You Wish You Were.

Atropa - Oct 27, 2023 11:45:52 am PDT #7952 of 8155
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

askye, have you tried spin pins? They're the only things that will keep my super-fine-yet-voluminous hair in a bun. My hair will eat bobby pins.

askye - Oct 30, 2023 5:04:18 pm PDT #7953 of 8155
Thrive to spite them

I haven't tried spin pins--any brand that you recommend or will any do?

Atropa - Nov 03, 2023 11:33:03 am PDT #7954 of 8155
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

Any brand will work.

Toddson - Nov 14, 2023 10:41:34 am PST #7955 of 8155
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

The John Lewis 2023 holiday ad is out. It's ... different.

erikaj - Nov 14, 2023 1:36:24 pm PST #7956 of 8155
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

I forget the Brits have a retailer named that and think about "good trouble" every time.

Toddson - Nov 15, 2023 5:47:38 am PST #7957 of 8155
Friends don't let friends read "Atlas Shrugged"

I remember at one ComicCon, our John Lewis turned up cosplaying a younger himself, with the coat and backpack, and led a march through the Con.

-t - Nov 15, 2023 9:04:53 am PST #7958 of 8155
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

That is amazing and wonderful!

Eta John Lewis at ComicCon although the ad is quite something

askye - Nov 21, 2023 5:19:39 pm PST #7959 of 8155
Thrive to spite them

I've been struggling a bit. I also stopped taking my anti depressant again so maybe that has to do with it. I also screwed up when I was calculating benefit differences between new and old job and so yeah I'm making less hourly and my take home is less. Not a huge about considering but enough that it's disheartening . I didn't calculate taxes and 401k enough.

I've been feeling like I really messed up hiring lawyers for the workers comp and I should have just given up dropped everything when they weren't paying me and gone back to work full time even though I was struggling. Because I would have had 6 yrs at the job and paid holidays and a huge amount of PTO and all of that.

Except I kind of like what I'm doing stocking groceries. It's a nice balance between routine and something different and not too much customer contact. I've been looking at jobs again and I did apply. I'll see what happens.

erikaj - Dec 06, 2023 10:28:35 am PST #7960 of 8155
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

"What is going on with the universe?"(/Phoebe) I got yet another in my yearly cavalcade of rejection this morning(Though trying to combine procedural and flash fiction might be a failed experiment) But then, David Simon liked what I wrote about Norman Lear...so, like, am I good at this or not? And I'm totally surfing the crimson wave, and can't decide which of my million heartstrings is being pulled right now. It's crazy, so I thought I should share. The more doors that shut in my face(at least for the moment) The more love my fanfiction gets, too. How weird is that? I am probably going to cry today, but good luck to anyone who tries to ask why!