I keep telling myself it's one night and we aren't open until midnight like we have been.
The store hours are extended more to almost regular hours but for fulfillment we go in early and stay late.
I'm hoping after the holidays they reduce the hours again.
I'm glad you're getting good results, sj! (And a little sad how amazed we all are at decent health care).
Yes, when new doc was actually listening to me and being sympathetic, I wanted to cry. No one has been taking me seriously.
A good, compassionate doctor who recognizes that you have a brain even if it's not medically trained is worth her weight in gold. I'm glad you found someone, sj, and that the gabapentin worked so well for you.
askye, I mean, you're right, it's only one night, but I only ever schedule myself with shit like that when I was managing a store. That's crappy; I'm sorry.
Finding a doctor who realizes you have a brain when you're physically disabled is extra hard in my experience. The Urgent Care doc was convinced I didn't have a uti because the dip test came back negative. Well my dip tests almost always come back negative, but do a culture for a couple days and guess what..
It's so crazy-making when doctors won't believe you know your own body. This has happened before. Yes, the same thing. Yes, in the same way. Yes, even though you have a medical degree.
The ER doc did not believe me when I said I could only raise my arm when lying flat on my back. He said it wasn’t possible and made me demonstrate several times.
I listen to doctors pretty frequently because of work and my favorite doctors are the ones who say things like 'you know what is normal for you better than I do' or will give flexible instructions on meds like 'if you feel like X take a full dose, and if you feel like Y only take the morning dose'. Some of them really understand that we have a lot more experience with our bodies than they do, others, not so much.
sj, SO glad you've found a good doctor.
I was on Wellbutrin for a few months post-partum, because it isn't prone to transferring via breastfeeding...but it also did exactly nothing for my depression, so I went back to Zoloft and shifted to formula (it's been 15 years and the kid doesn't seem to have suffered).