I'm sorry about the ongoing work stress, askye.
How are you feeling today, sj?
Dinner was fine. I figured out I really just don't like going out anymore, even outside. If I want to socialize I can eat outside, on my back patio more comfortably. Other Mom was sympathetic and said she would talk to son, but was advocating for DH and I doing whatever it takes to fix it. As a parent I need to reach out to them and be a parent and grandparent, blah blah blah. Sorry, too soon. And no, I think it is the child's place to make it right when he has treated his parents badly. I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
Awful. I couldn’t sleep at all last night because of the pain. There was no comfortable position. I meet my new PCP at 2:30.
Laura I agree with you. Adult children need to be able to take the initiative to fix it. All you and DH can do is Lee the door open and dote on your grand baby as much as possible until it’s fixed.
It sucks until they get their head outta their own ass.
Signed, Has had to do it and it sucked but I did it because grown ass adult.
And I’m so sorry, sj!! Much love to you.
I'm sorry, sj. I really hope the new PCP is helpful.
Thanks, Laura. I managed a bath and clean clothes which took everything out of me. I’m just going to lay on my bed and wait for TCG to come home and take me to the doctor.
I love my new doctor. She was so nice and actually took me and my pain seriously. She thinks it is my neck and not my shoulder that is causing the problem. I have an appointment with an orthopedic on Friday. I’m also going to have an MRI and PT.
I also have a new antidepressant to add to my Zoloft. Who has taken Wellbutrin? She said it might help with ADHD as well. She’s also going to help me find a new therapist and psychiatrist.
Oh that is so wonderful to hear, sj. I hope you get some resolution on the pain soon.
That's great news sj. I'm so glad to hear she's working for you.
Oh, hooray. And I've been on Celexa + Wellbutrin XR for several years.