Wow, I had a bunch of autocorrect errors in that post. Oh well.
Stephanie, I hope you can come visit again soon! It was so great to catch up and meet your husband.
Fingers crossed for your test, Laura.
Hi esse!
I did not get enough sleep last night so I think an afternoon nap is definitely on the agenda. Going to try and enter some receipts and write a couple of cards, too. And there will probably be more mending!
Cereal: I'm proud of myself because I did Zoom Pilates for the third time this week this morning, and walked to the PO to mail a package before a Zoom therapy session at 10 am. Plus I managed to cook last night, so I have leftover boudin and sautéed cabbage to eat for lunch.
That's awesome smonster! I have....eaten breakfast, called in to one meeting, and answered about one email.
Ugh, I got my period a full week early. That is some straight up BULLSHIT.
Although it explains why I impulse-bought sea salt caramel truffle ice cream at the grocery store this morning.
Seriously, though, let me reiterate. BULLSHIT.
Thqat is bullshit. I thought mine was going to be really early and it was a day late. After having major cramps and PMS for a week.
Seriously, menopause rocks. I know some women have a rough go of it, but I am delighted to be long past the monthly bother.
I'm glad to be done with the monthly Shark Week, but the hot flashes can freaking stop right now.
I'll be 49 next month, so I think that's about time for this nonsense to stop. Yeesh.
well the dr had said I would probably see my periods getting closer together and they are doing that, I'll be 47 this summer. I am not making any babies, I don't need this nonesense,
On the other hand I had a life time of highly erratic, mostly light periods so a couple of years of heavy-ish , closer together cycles (and it's 26-28 days right now) is not too bad I guess.
Seriously, menopause rocks.
So looking forward to it. I've been peri for 11 years. I'm done already.