Yay, Epic!
That sucks, askye. I'm sorry.
Hi, friends! I am going a little bonkers waiting to hear if I got the job at that Huge Company in Seattle. (No, we won't be moving regardless.) I have such mixed feelings about it all, so we'll see what happens. This is the second time in the last 5-6 years I've been contacted by a recruiter via Linked.In and gone all the way through the process, including flying to Seattle for a full day of interviews (latest happened last Fri and supposedly I'll know something by the end of this week).
My youngest continues to be an Experience. Challenging, beautiful, angering, loving - it's a lot, y'all. I did (finally) start therapy several months back. I see his therapist, which somehow seems very fitting (she's a play therapist by trade). I love her, even though I cry every damn time I see her, even when there's nothing particularly upsetting happening. Shit. And she's out of the country until the end of the month and I'm already missing my sessions. Sigh.
Sorry for the novel. Just needed somewhere to put it and remembered my Buffista friends.
Thanks Glamcookie.
A good therapist is worth their weight in gold (and good tears from good sessions). I miss therapy and my therapist but I just can't add another expense or the toll of driving so far to see someone. And I don't want to deal with finding someone local.
Right before the stupid car accident I was beginning to feel like I was in an ok place and that things were going to start turning around and I could really budget to pay off debt and now....the cost of the medicine will be bad until the deductible kicks in and I should meet that in May. I'm very lucky/privelaged to have parents who can help me out but they have done that so much I have started to feel like they have enabled some bad behaviors. So it's just like - I've had all these realizations and am ready to make changes but now this stuff happens that will make it harder.
Oh man, Glam, that's tough. If you get the job would you be in Seattle occasionally? Because that would be cool!
I hate Facebook. And not for just the reasons everyone does.
They have new Page security requirements that...aren't for the technologically-challenged.
So my also-job-seeking former co-worker says she wants to go into a medical field, but she doesn't want to work with gross sick people...
I might suggest that! She was thinking of something like ultrasound or X-ray tech.
Medical transcriptionist, lab tech?
We both just want something we can get trained/certified for quickly. But she's constrained by pain using her right hand and needs to limit keyboard usage, and I'm constrained by pain in my ankle and I need to limit walking/standing. Unfortunately all the technician type jobs I've looked at require one to be able to do all those things.
I'm tired and today sucks. It wasn't hard it was just long and boring with lots of little issues. And after work I had to go and get a gift card and birthday card for Matthew's nephew because Matthew is out of money for the month and that is a whole other issue. And I was going to see Mom Tuesday and Wednesday but she has the flu! She had it last week and I couldn't see her then and I really just want to spend some time with my mom.