Aww, thanks Epic. The awesomeness of Laura caught my eye too.
Sad news on the dobie front though. Trinity is headed back to the rescue. She really is not a city girl. Her first year and a half have been spent in a very rural environment with large fields to run in and no people or traffic. The rescue where we picked her up was on a dirt road surrounded by orange groves.
DH is heartbroken, but after having her for only a couple days it was clear she was going to take a lot of training, and we just can't do it. He talked to several people who train or just have a lot of experience, and they all said 6 months to a year. Going from the fields to a city with lots of strange people, traffic, bikes, runners, skateboards, etc., was way too much stimulus.
So kinda heartbroken, but better to end it quickly. Rescue dude will find a better fit for her.
Sorry to hear that, Laura. Probably best for all of you, but a bummer.
It does suck. DH is so teary over it. We really thought she was a good fit, but the kitties are quite pleased to have her going back. We'll try again, but probably with the Fort Lauderdale rescue again because more likely to be a city dog.
Aw, that's gotta be so hard.
And we are trying another one. A one year old red dobie who is supposed to be good with kids and cats. We shall see.
Best of luck Laura! I hope this is a better match.
I spent a good part of last week and weekend arguing with one of my medical supply companies and fedex to get my supplies in a timely manner, which I didn't end up actually getting until today. I was quite literally vibrating with stress most of the weekend. Today, I've mostly convinced my body that it is not being chased by a giant predator. So, of course I just tripped and fell hard on both hands and knees and will probably spend the rest of my week in pain.
This baby is a male, which apparently is the less dominant gender for dobermans. If he is as delightful as DH thinks he will be then I'll name him Skinner to boss around Scully & Mulder.
I'm sorry, sj.
Laura, that sounds promising. And of course I love the name!