sj, you didn't choose to fall, and you are not alone. Falling in winter is a very common experience, and it hurts like hell, both physically and emotionally. My personal least favorite is when it results in being covered in muddy slush; yes I don't miss winter much. Alas, being sick a bunch also happens when you have young kids in school, aka germ pools. I'm sorry it is so hard right now. It also could be some lack of sunlight getting you down. If you see those rays try sitting in a window for a bit. Hugs.
Hil, chances are the course coordinator was just annoyed at the whole situation and not you in particular. When do you have to make a condo decision? Do the ones with HOA fees over $500 include a bunch of extra things? It is a tough decision, but it will be a great change.
When do you have to make a condo decision? Do the ones with HOA fees over $500 include a bunch of extra things?
There's no specific time when I have to make a decision, but I want to move at the end of the semester. The ones with the pricy HOA fees mostly have a 24-hour doorman and a pool, but in Cincinnati, a pool is only usable a few months out of the year anyway. The one that I'm leaning toward is a little bit further out in the sort-of-suburbs, but still within the city limits, and it's a townhouse type thing, except with just one story (plus a finished basement.) Being able to just open the door and be outside is nice, and I've got some friends who live in that neighborhood and they like it there. The major drawback is the somewhat longer commute, but it's not ridiculously long. I'm going to go look at it sometime this weekend, I think -- I'm waiting to hear back from the realtor about that.
If there were a drug that would allow me to be energetic and able to follow through on things I want to do even one day a week I would totally take it. I would probably trade body parts for it.
If there were a drug that would allow me to be energetic and able to follow through on things I want to do even one day a week I would totally take it. I would probably trade body parts for it.
Back in the day they called these "diet pills." They kept the American housewife of the 50s and 60s focused and productive.
B12 shots were a thing for a while too, may still be.
My mother was on "diet pills" for a while when I was a kid ... and one of the girls in college (who had a friend who confiscated the pills and regulated her dosage, since she'd get a little too alert). Later, we just called them "speed".
B12 shots were a thing for a while too, may still be.
In the vet field, they are. Although their focus is as much on appetite stimulation as on energy,
I don't know what it was that I complained about to my doctor when I was maybe 18 that resulted in him giving me a B12 shot, but I went home and cleaned all the things because I was speeding. I didn't do it again.
The few times I've had any stimulants they've made me jittery but not any more likely to actually accomplish things, so the drug I want probably doesn't exist. Just as well, I suppose, since I'm not cut out for shady deals in back alleys. Too lazy for illegallity, that's me.
I think I might have decided on a condo to buy. Still working out the details, but I'm pretty sure about it. It's a one-story townhouse (I don't know if it's still called a townhouse if it's just one story, but I don't know a better word for it), and very cute. One thing I'll definitely need to do is have a ramp installed in the garage, but other than that, all the accessibility looks good.