Oooh, thanks Jessica! I'm going to do the chili, then set out bowls of the "ways" and let people make their own. A couple questions -
to taste but probably like 1-2 tsp each oregano, cloves
a whole teaspoon of cloves? I feel like a little goes a long way and that seems like a lot? Also, I don't love the taste of cloves, so I just might be being paranoid here.
tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder (you can also throw in a square of baking chocolate)
how many tablespoons? Presuming one, but checking.
I think Vortex fell in the wormhole.
That's okay. More Vortex is better than Less Vortex.
I thinking I was doing that thing where I kept reliving posts over and over and over again. I appear to be better now.
Did you see the time knife?
Were you in the dot of Jeremy Berimy??
Not Jessica, and only answering once. Yes, one tbl of cocoa is good, and by good I mean yummy. I say yes on the tsp of cloves, but if you don't like the taste of cloves then feel free to skimp on it.
All the spices are to taste so you can start with less and add more if needed. I generally put in a lot more oregano than cloves now that I'm thinking about it, so maybe more like 1/2 tsp cloves and 2 tsp oregano? 1 tbsp cocoa is enough - at that level it's an enhancer, much more than that and you'll actually start to taste chocolate which isn't the goal.
And look out for the time knife!