I'm struggling a bit this week. This weekend is the next phase in moving in with M . I've been taking a bunch of my stuff there, this weekend I'll take my clothes and shift from living here and visiting there to living there mid visiting here.
Penny will be the last thing I move. Around xmas M rescued a kitten, Scrappy, nd he is very skittish so I want him used to me before we add a third cat to the mix.
I probably will also have to find a new job. The commute is an hour and not something I want to do and there may not be any openings in stores closer.
So change and I have difficulty with chang even good ones.
But I'll be living with M and I am so damn excited!
I'm cold. I've got on two layers of clothes, plus two blankets, and I'm still cold.
(I also have strong feelings about chili but in case you wanted lasagna.)
Hmm, I am intrigued.
However, I think I have decided to Cincinnati chili with fixins instead. I found a recipe online that looks legit, but any of my midwestern folks have one that they feel strongly about?
I don't actually make my chili Cincinnati style, since I can just go get it if I want it. I make a thick beany chili.
Is Cincinnati style like they have at Skyline? I've had that back in the day in Fort Lauderdale, and recall it as tasty stuff. My Mom's chili was more beans and veggies so that is how I make it.
Cincy style is my default chili (though I do add beans to it because I am a GODLESS HERETIC), and I make it the way my Mom (former Skyline waitress) taught me.
- 3 lbs ground beef (85% lean)
- 2 small or one large yellow onion
- 1/4 cup chili powder
- 1/4 cup cumin
- to taste but probably like 1-2 tsp each oregano, cloves
- 3-4 cloves garlic
- dash of cinnamon (be gentle with the cinnamon, it's necessary but can easily be too much)
- tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder (you can also throw in a square of baking chocolate)
- 28 can crushed tomatoes (or diced if you want more tomato chunks)
- 1 15 oz can each kidney and black beans (not even remotely traditional, I just like beans)
- lots of fresh cilantro, chopped fine
- salt to taste - depends entirely on how much salt is in your chili powder
Brown the beef, add the chopped onion and spices. Add the tomatoes, beans, and garlic. Let simmer for many hours. Taste & adjust spices, then stir in cilantro and taste/adjust again.
Oh, and if you want it spicier (also not traditional but spicy chili is yummy) you can throw in a chopped fresh jalapeno or two along with the onions.
Two layers is not enough. Hil. MANY layers is the key. For example--tank top under long sleeve long underwear, under long sleeve thermal shirt, under flannel shirt under sweater. On legs, tights under thermal long underwear under pants, with two layers of socks. Plus wear a hat inside. I am not joking-- hate being cold and I went to college in Vermont and learned how to keep motherfucking warm.
When I was in Vermont 2 layers were minimum.
Always a base layer of long sleeve t shirt and legginds (or a set of long underwear), and then inside the house swear pants and a fleece top, and then PJ pants and a top over it or i had a thin hoodie that I would wear and the hood up and at times my robe..plus socks and slippers.
Then outside the house jeans or pants, and a top and sweater or maybe some combination or hat.
When I was working at Best Buy near the door I would wear sometimes 2 sets of leggings and a short sleeve shirt, long sleeve shirt, my Best Buy shirt, 2 sets of socks, and a jacket.
It was really cold by the door.
I hate winter so much that I refused to ever visit my brother in Vermont in the winter.