My mother has exceeded her highwater mark for narcissism, and I'm still incandescent with rage and triggered as hell. Although the hero of this story is my brother, who reminded me that I don't have to stick around to deal with this bullshit.
Backstory: right after my parents got divorced, my uncle's sister needed a place to stay (I honestly don't remember why, because it was 35 years ago, though I assume it was because she was shiftless and a drunk). So she ended up living in our basement. And proceeded to be wasted the entire time, bring all kinds of guys home, and party her brains out in our basement. She also had kids, who would get in my room and my brother's room and steal our stuff (and Mom's response was that my brother and I should "share" our stuff FUCK YOU MOTHER). We eventually put locks on the outside of our doors.
After some time, Mom kicked Uncle's Sister out, probably because she was a shiftless drunk. (I seriously don't remember a lot of details even though I was 12, because I've blocked out a lot of my childhood, yay trauma.)
Back to 2018: Mom told me yesterday that Uncle's Sister is going to be visiting Aunt and Uncle for Christmas and that they all might be coming to Mom's house for Christmas with us. Cue me getting triggered as hell and also incandescent with rage. Mom says that Uncle's Sister has changed, she's nice now, blah blah blah.
And here's the thing: I believe that people can change, absolutely. But that still doesn't obligate me to spend time with them. Especially a holiday.
My brother and SiL are coming home for Christmas, and spending Christmas Day with them is something I've been looking forward to for weeks. I don't want Uncle's Sister there. I told my brother about it, and he said "I don't want to see her, on Christmas or any other time. If she's going to be there for Christmas dinner, I'm going to leave." And I realized, hey, I can do that too.
I'm super grateful to my brother for reminding me that I'm 47, not 12, and I'm not stuck in a house where I can't leave when people are shitty. I'm also incredibly glad I have one more therapy session before Christmas.
And here's the kicker, where I feel like my mom's narcissism has surpassed even her worst previous self-obsession: last year she told my stepdad that she did not want his family to come to their house for Christmas Eve any more (Mom and Stepdad always hosted), because she doesn't like the little kids. And, I mean, she can make that decision and set that boundary. That's fine. (I mean, it's kind of shitty, because they're normal kids, but whatever.) But then yesterday she had the audacity to say to me, with zero self-awareness, "I have to let Uncle's Sister come over on Christmas Day -- blood is thicker than water."
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK YOU HORRIFIC NARCISSIST. (1) Uncle's Sister is NOT our blood relative. (2) Mom's children, who ARE her actual blood relatives, are triggered as shit by this and don't want Uncle's Sister there, but apparently "blood is thicker than water" doesn't apply to us (because it never has). (3) Holy shit Mom, how can you say "blood is thicker than water" with a straight face after you banned ALL of your husband's blood relatives from your house last year??? WHAT THE SHIT YOU GODDAMN HARRIDAN.
All I care about is seeing my brother. So if he leaves Mom's house, Tim and I are leaving with him. And maybe we'll go see Into the Spiderverse or Aquaman and then get some Chinese food. But I'm sticking with him. Because blood is thicker than water, bitches.