sj, I hope you are able to get some rest so your body can recover.
I just had an idea for a very weird anti-racism ad series.
Which reminds me of those x-ray ads they had for a while. They were super cool.
I am very annoyed with my sister's doctor. She has had issues with kidney function and they cut out some meds and had her come back for more labs in a week. She did her part by researching and doing stuff like lots of water, celery, and other things. This morning she goes and he says the numbers are worse and stops a couple more meds and adds a couple meds. I had looked at her labs online before she went to the appointment and
her numbers were better!!
She had the printout of this week so I had her go to the portal and look for herself and she could see the same thing. Better numbers. Grrrrr. I expect she will have something to say to him. I mean, the numbers still suck, but not as much.
No rest for me today. I would have been better off going out and getting a coffee. We said good-bye to our wonderful sitter, who is graduating and heading home.
Do you need to use any special cleaner for them?
Not according to the instructions, but I do throw in a splash of Bac-out every few washes. (Basically following the same regimen I used to do with my kids' cloth diapers.)
Thanks, Plei and Jess. They've got a 60-day trial thing, so I may take advantage of that.
I had my physical today and will have a colonoscopy iin my near future, though she suggested waiting until after my foot is healed. We also have a plan to deal with my increased stress/depression for the short tterm. I adore my doc.
Please get your colonoscopies, friends!! The prep is gross but it's just a few hours of your life.
Joining the chorus on this one. I had my first colonoscopy at 40 and they found a polyp, so had my second at 42. Which - ugh. But no more polyps after that so now I'm on the every 5 years or whatever it is cycle.
I put my first colonoscopy off a little -- I was 51. The day of fasting wasn't as bad as expected as long as I was able to drink bouillon. I'll also say that "clean-out" wasn't as bad as expected, but that's as much because of my expectations as the experience. I was out for the procedure itself. And Hubs and I have a deal -- we go out to lunch afterward, and he who had the colonoscopy decides where.
If I could drive myself home, I'd schedule the damned thing, but I don't want to have to impose on someone.
I had blood tests done yesterday, and my doctor just called because one of my results was off. She had a bunch of questions for me, and she wants me to get that test redone, and I was stupid and googled what that test means. I should wait until I get the second test and the results come back before I start worrying. Right?