I {heart} Thinx. Been using it almost exclusively for...six months? Maybe longer?
Depending on timing, I might use one backup tampon per cycle (at the office) or change undies mid-day (at home), but otherwise I just rely on the Thinx.
I do wish they had an overnight style with more coverage in the front (I'm a stomach sleeper), and some of the lace trim on the hip-huggers is starting to fray, but overall I am THRILLED with how well they work.
I have noticed that after a few years, they seem to pick up
a funk when in use that I can't get out of them. Only noticeable when changing, but part of why I don't use them as much as I used to.
Do you need to use any special cleaner for them? (I do notice for a lot of my wicking workout gear, I have to pretreat certain areas with stain remover/enzymatic cleaner to not leave/bake in the stink when washing, even though I hang dry)
I'm so exhausted. I can barely keep my eyes open. I have our sitter here for ltc. It's her last day because she's graduating, and all I want to do is nap. But ltc is being awful and making that impossible.
Please get your colonoscopies, friends!! The prep is gross but it's just a few hours of your life.
Seriously. It is a deadly cancer, and entirely treatable if caught. Don't rely on symptoms to show up, it's probably too late by then.
After I had one they gave me pictures. I'm very PINK inside.
I'm very PINK inside.
I just had an idea for a very weird anti-racism ad series.
sj, I hope you are able to get some rest so your body can recover.
I just had an idea for a very weird anti-racism ad series.
Which reminds me of those x-ray ads they had for a while. They were super cool.
I am very annoyed with my sister's doctor. She has had issues with kidney function and they cut out some meds and had her come back for more labs in a week. She did her part by researching and doing stuff like lots of water, celery, and other things. This morning she goes and he says the numbers are worse and stops a couple more meds and adds a couple meds. I had looked at her labs online before she went to the appointment and
her numbers were better!!
She had the printout of this week so I had her go to the portal and look for herself and she could see the same thing. Better numbers. Grrrrr. I expect she will have something to say to him. I mean, the numbers still suck, but not as much.
No rest for me today. I would have been better off going out and getting a coffee. We said good-bye to our wonderful sitter, who is graduating and heading home.
Do you need to use any special cleaner for them?
Not according to the instructions, but I do throw in a splash of Bac-out every few washes. (Basically following the same regimen I used to do with my kids' cloth diapers.)