My system is written down, but I set alarms on my phone for things that I *must* do at a specific time (like taking meds, or trying to get tickets to a concert as soon as they go on sale).
Okay, as I was typing that ^^^^, I realized I do use the calendar on my computer, too, for appointments and birthdays and reminders to pay bills (and taxes) and book release dates. My daily to-do list is what I use pen and paper for.
My system has been electronic since I purchased my first Palm Pilot in the 90s.
I've been trying to get into bullet journaling. But not really for calendaring—gotta keep that electronic. But to-do lists and trackers and stuff, paper is my jam.
Writing something down definitely helps me remember it even if I never look at it again, so scraps of paper that I inevitably lose are okay for some purposes. Electronic is better for me to actually find things again, but paper is more satisfying for crossing off to-do lists and feeling like I am making progress in whatever.
Woot! Birthday party up in here!
Belated Happy Birthday, ND!
I am very proud of myself for not completely going off on my cousin who commented on my Facebook post about yummy tacos by telling me that they're unhealthy even if they are vegan.
I saw that, Hil, and opted to not comment unless it turned into a thing.