PREACH! I really feel like Apple is missing a pretty good niche audience here. DW and I both have classic iPods with a ton of room and we will cry forever when they die.
My dad liked his classic iPod because he could connect it to his car speakers and use the controls by feel -- the edges of the wheel were clear enough that he could find where the different controls were without having to look at it while driving. With the new one, if he wants to skip a song or switch to a different playlist or something, he has to take his eyes off the road.
I think it's just a much smaller market that consumes music this way now. By far the majority of the people I know have switched to streaming services like Spotify. I use the Apple Music streaming service, I used to adore my huge iPod, but I notice I don't need it any longer, between unlimited data and cloud based streaming of my collection.
t mumbles grumpily about people living in places with consistent good mobile Internet
ND, did you hang on to any of your iPods? Are they in suspended animation anywhere?
Also, for all that I work in tech, I don't want to keep my music in the cloud. Noooooo! I must have my precious on a back-up drive, and in an iPod!
I must have my precious on a back-up drive, and in an iPod!
I have several shelves with CDs.
I have lidded storable tubs of CDs, because I needed the shelf space for books. Plus once I transferred the CDs to the iPod, I didn't need them immediately available.
I have all my CDs still stored, I also have all the files backed up and hard drives. I just don't need it also on an iPod. For my listening on the go my collection is all available through the iTunes Match system.
I have a classic iPod I don't even use. It's my only Apple device. I can't even get it to play music through my car speakers. Seems like it will only play music that I bought through iTunes and most of my music on it is ripped from CDs