I lived in a shotgun double in NO with a separate bedroom sort of roommate one year. I had to go through roommate's room (or go outside) to get from my bedroom to the kitchen, and he had the same options to get from his bedroom to the bathroom.
I think I had the better of that deal.
On the positive side I guess a stomach flu is a good way to lose 4 lbs in a week.
I wouldn't call it good, sj. But if that works as a bright side, embrace it.
Thanks, -t. I forgot to use my sarcasm font. Although part of me would like to go to my doctor for a weigh in, just so she will get off my back for a bit.
I hope you feel better soon, sj.
Peanut and I both recently had doctor visits, and I told her pediatrician that I didn't want to have her weighed any more. They were so unfazed and respectful that I told my doctor I didn't want to be weighed any more, and the nurse checking me in said, "Of course! You always have that option." I was amazed (and kind of pissed that's not the default). It just felt so... liberating, almost.
Wow, juliana, good for you!
I chose not to be weighed last time, and there was a big "refused to be weighed" on my chart when I looked at the notes later. Which somehow seemed worse. I know I need to lose weight for various reasons, but I don't have the spoons to deal with it right now.
It is a shotgun. She has the pass through bedroom and I have the two rooms in the back. We have opposite schedules and she's a super heavy sleeper. I can enter from the back if I want to but don't have to.
Mom needs some tax-ma...she has the accountant in the morning.